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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Teachings of the Bible Questions

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Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
Ethics is the study of:
  1. right and wrong
  2. up and down
  3. heaven and hell
  4. life and death
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
There were      12      tribes of ancient Israel.
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
God made a covenant with Abram in Genesis 17. What did He tell Abram He is going to make him?
  1. a rich man
  2. the father of a multitude of nations
  3. the father of Ishmael
  4. a great man
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
In Job 13:15, God says, we need fear for what?
  1. everything
  2. nothing
  3. non of the above
  4. all of the above
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
A truth beyond all reason that is revealed by God is known as a                .
  1. Psalm
  2. Host
  3. Bible
  4. Mystery
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
For       God       sent not his       Son       into the         world        to           condemn           the world, but that the         world         through him might be         saved        .        John        3:17
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
Applying the lessons of science and a knowledge of ancient languages to the Bible, SOME European scholars believed the Bible contained contradictions and scientific errors.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
What was Paul's name when he persecuted Christians?
  1. Saul
  2. Paul
  3. Peter
  4. James
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
The First Person of the Holy Trinity is:
  1. Father
  2. Son
  3. Holy Spirit
  4. Grace
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
The Pauline Epistles are referred to by that name because they all:
  1. were written at Paul 's request
  2. were written by Paul
  3. are letters to Paul
  4. tell the story of Paul
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
Essua gave Jacob his birth right.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own                . (Proverbs 3:5)
  1. faith
  2. substance
  3. understanding
  4. joy
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
In John 7:39, when was the Spirit given?
  1. When Jesus was baptized
  2. When Jesus was crucified
  3. After Jesus was glorified
  4. When Jesus was born
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
The       Old       Testament is the collection of sacred books intended to prepare God's people for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
The Holy Spirit is the                 Person of the Holy Trinity.
  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Fifth
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
The                 is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
  1. Father
  2. Son
  3. Holy Spirit
  4. The Virgin Mary
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
What sets forth rules and practices for Jewish people?
  1. The Bible
  2. Jesus' Law of Love
  3. Syllabus of Errors
  4. Mosaic Law
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
How many books are in the New Testament?      27     
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
The                 is the summary and profession of faith in the chief mysteries and other truths revealed by God through Jesus Christ and handed down by the apostles.
  1. Nicene Creed
  2. Apostles Creed
  3. Disciples Creed
  4. Our Father
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
The Sacred Scripture is free from error in teaching us about God and what is necessary for our salvation.
  1. True
  2. False
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