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Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible Questions

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Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
Who wrote the book of Corinthians?
  1. Paul
  2. Timothy
  3. Luke
  4. Mark
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
During the middle ages, offenders had to                                         
  1. pay debt to God and society
  2. subject to painful trials
  3. suffer painful punishments to pacify God
  4. all of the above
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
There are 5 Covenants in the Bible?
  1. True
  2. False
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
How many books are there in the bible?                    Sixty-six/ 66                   
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
There are 5 Major Prophets in the Old Testament?
  1. True
  2. False
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
What does doctrine mean?
  1. teaching or instruction
  2. what is taught
  3. the doctrine of cogic refers to the teachings of (or what is taught in COGIC)
  4. All the above
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
How many books are there in the Old Testament?                    Thirty-nine/39                  
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
In what four parts is the Old Testament divided?                                         Law, history, poetry, and prophecy                                        .
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
With communion sacrifices it was important that the priests wait until the third day to eat the leftover flesh of the sacrifices.
  1. True
  2. False
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
Where did Moses take the rest of the bull sacrifice after anointing Aaron and the priests?
  1. the courtyard
  2. inside the tabernacle
  3. outside the camp and burned it with fire
  4. inside of the holy place in the tabernacle
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
How many books are in the New Testament?                     Twenty-seven/27                   
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
Name the book of history in the New Testament:        Acts       .
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
How many books of letters (epistles) are there in the New Testament?              twenty-one             
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
Name the books of law:                                                         Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.                                                        .
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
How many books pf prophecy are there?                 Seventeen/17                 
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
How many books are there in biography?            four/4          
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
Name the books of biography:                                 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John                                .
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
How many books of history are there?           One/1         
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
How many books of prophecy are there in the New Testament?         One/1        
Continuing Education Teachings of the Bible
Name the book of prophecy in the New Testament:               Revelations              
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