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First Grade (Grade 1) Teachings of the Bible Questions

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Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Stephen was the first martyr. What is a martyr?
  1. Someone who goes to church.
  2. Someone who is from Mars.
  3. Someone who is killed for what they believe.
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Who did Jehovah God give the Ten Commandments to?
  1. Jesus
  2. Job
  3. Moses
  4. Adam
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Where was baby Moses found?
  1. in the forest
  2. in a basket
  3. in a car
  4. on the streets of Egypt
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
How many plagues did Jehovah send to Egypt?
  1. 10
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. 20
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
For how many days and nights did Jehovah make it rain?
  1. 10 days and 10 nights
  2. 24 days and 24 nights
  3. 40 days and 40 nights
  4. 2 days and 2 nights
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
What did Noah do when he first came out of the ark?
  1. he prayed
  2. he said thank you
  3. he made an offering or gift to Jehovah
  4. he clapped
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
What did Noah use to test if the flood waters had come down?
  1. He let a bird fly out to see if there were places to land.
  2. He used a ruler.
  3. He sent an elephant out to see if it's toes could touch the ground.
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
How did Noah's neighbors react when he told them about the ark?
  1. they were sad
  2. they were happy
  3. they started to laugh
  4. they had a party
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
What unusual thing did God ask Noah to build?
  1. ark
  2. car
  3. house
  4. train
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
God choose Noah to build the ark because:
  1. he was a righteous man.
  2. he was a carpenter.
  3. he liked to go boating.
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Why could no one get inside the ark once the rain started?
  1. It was Glued shut
  2. Jehovah had close the door tight
  3. It was nailed tight
  4. Noah was keeping it close
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Why did pairs of animals come to the ark?
  1. They are brothers.
  2. They were in a three-legged race.
  3. They came in pairs so they could have babies.
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
God saw the good in Moses and chose him to save the Israelites from:
  1. Egypt
  2. Rome
  3. Jericho
  4. Israel
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Why did Lot's wife become a pillar of salt?
  1. She did not want to leave Sodom
  2. She got sick
  3. She disobeyed the angels warning not to look back
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
The Pharaoh declared all baby boys were to be killed that were:
  1. Israelite
  2. Egyptian
  3. Roman
  4. Italian
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
What did God give us to remind us he's never destroy the earth with a flood?
  1. animals
  2. rainbows
  3. flowers
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
The stories in the Bible are all true.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Who was Nimrod?
  1. Noah's son
  2. Noah's nephew
  3. Noah's great- grandson
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
What is persecution?
  1. Being mean to someone because you don't like their purse.
  2. Making people suffer because of what they believe.
  3. Giving people nice things from Persia.
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Enoch is an important person in the Bible because:
  1. he killed a bear.
  2. he never died but went straight to Heaven.
  3. he built a boat.
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