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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Teachings of the Bible Questions

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Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The Hebrew leader regarded as the author of Genesis was                .
  1. Moses.
  2. David.
  3. Solomon.
  4. Jesus.
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
Israel's escape from Egypt; from a Greek word meaning "going out or leaving".
  1. Leviticus
  2. Numbers
  3. Exodus
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The scientific method is a valid instrument with which to measure that which is spiritual.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The man God chose to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter and raised in Pharaoh's court, but fled Egypt after rebelling against the Egyptian taskmaster.
  1. Noah
  2. Abraham
  3. Moses
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The body of water initially blocking the Israelites' escape from Egypt.
  1. Persian Gulf
  2. Nile River
  3. Red Sea
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
According to Exodus 25, why are the sons of Israel to construct a sanctuary for God?
  1. So God can dwell among them
  2. To give God a special home
  3. To show all the other nations how great God is
  4. To show God they love him
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
An ornate box that held the tablets of the Law. It represented God's throne on earth.
  1. Noah's Ark
  2. Tabernacle
  3. Ark of the Covenant
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The saving of the first-born of Israel when the first-born of the Egyptians were killed. It is the most important event in Israel's history and is remembered with an annual feast.
  1. Passover
  2. Christmas
  3. Easter
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The fundamental laws given by God at Sinai. They deal with our relationship with God and each other.
  1. Ten Commandments
  2. Beatitudes
  3. Litany of the Saints
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
Moses' brother; acted as his spokesman. He founded the priesthood of Israel.
  1. Aaron
  2. Jethro
  3. Zipporah
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
With whom did God make the first covenant?
  1. Noah
  2. Abram
  3. Isaac
  4. God
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The Ten Commandments are also called the                     which means "the ten words."
  1. Decalogue
  2. Our Father
  3. The Prayer of Moses
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
Why does God typically select people like Moses, who appear to be weak, to be his messengers and workers?
  1. God's ways are mysterious so no one really knows.
  2. It is so that people will understand that it is God who is working trough them and not because of the strength of the actual person.
  3. It is the luck of the draw.
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
God calls himself "the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob" when he appeared to Moses in the                  .
  1. Sea of Galilee
  2. the burning bush
  3. Goshom
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The word is used to indicate that the writers of the Bible were enlightened by the Holy Spirit to write what God wanted and nothing more.
  1. inerrant
  2. inspired
  3. covenant
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
What is the first book of the Bible in the Old Testament?           Genesis          
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
Every person has a fundamental right to                 and a right to those things required for human decency.
  1. life
  2. death
  3. fun
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The tent that served as a meeting place and temple for the Israelites while they wandered in the desert. It was designed as a reflection of the temple of heaven.
  1. Synagogue
  2. Ark of the Covenant.
  3. Tabernacle
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
Blood, frogs, gnats, flies, cattle, boils, hail, locusts, and darkness are examples of what?
  1. plagues
  2. Insects and animals found in the Egyptian ecosystem.
  3. Gifts from God to the Egyptian people.
Grade 10 Teachings of the Bible
The collection of all canonical books. It is divided into two parts. First part is made up of books written before the coming of Jesus and the second part is made up of books written after his coming.
  1. New Testament
  2. Old Testament
  3. Bible
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