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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Life Skills Questions

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Grade 8 Job Search and Career
Grade 8 Job Search and Career
Refers to the way you feel about something.
  1. Attitude
  2. Passion
  3. Career Cluster
  4. Heart
Grade 8 Job Search and Career
Unique knowledge about a specific occupation.
  1. Passion
  2. Specialized Skills
  3. Talents
  4. Heart
Grade 8 Job Search and Career
Grade 8 Time Management and Productivity
Grade 8 Communication Skills and Public Speaking
When someone in the class wins a game, what should we do?
  1. be disappointed
  2. scold him or her
  3. congraulate the person
  4. none of these above
Grade 8 Communication Skills and Public Speaking
Grade 8 Job Search and Career
Work tasks that are used in various types of careers.
  1. Talents
  2. Transferable Skills
  3. Passion
  4. Specialized Skills
Grade 8 Job Search and Career
Natural strengths and abilities.
  1. Passion
  2. Talents
  3. Transferable Skills
  4. Heart
Grade 8 Communication Skills and Public Speaking
                helps connect with your audience.
  1. Feedback
  2. Outlining
  3. Organization
  4. Eye contact
Grade 8 Job Search and Career
Your high school grades may affect the following:
  1. Your hobbies
  2. Your choice of jobs or careers
  3. Your health
Grade 8 Communication Skills and Public Speaking
Which of these is NOT an important listening skill?
  1. Formulating your response while the other person is talking.
  2. Repeating what was said to make sure you understand.
  3. Not interrupting the speaker.
Grade 8 Communication Skills and Public Speaking
Grade 8 Communication Skills and Public Speaking
Grade 8 Job Search and Career
Grade 8 Personal Finance
A 30-year mortgage at 10.0 percent for $220,000
  1. 1293.00
  2. 1158.75
  3. 1400.00
  4. 1931.60
Grade 8 Communication Skills and Public Speaking
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