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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Teachings of the Bible Questions

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Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
                led the Israelites to freedom?
  1. Jacob
  2. Noah
  3. Moses
  4. Job
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
The King of Egypt was called what?
  1. Pharaoh
  2. Leader
  3. Messiah
  4. Ruler
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
God made a                 with Abraham and his descendants.
  1. sin
  2. names
  3. covenant
  4. hope
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
He is one of the Gospels:
  1. Luke
  2. Peter
  3. Noah
  4. Abraham
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
                forgave his brothers for selling him as a slave.
  1. Jacob
  2. Mark
  3. Samuel
  4. Joseph
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
According to Proverbs 10:1, what makes a parent glad?
  1. A wise child
  2. A foolish child
  3. A good report card
  4. Love, respect, and obedience
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
What are the four Gospels?
  1. Mathew, Mark, Andrew, Paul
  2. Mathew, Mark, Luke, John
  3. John, Joesph, Paul, Peter
  4. Joesph, Mary, Jesus, God
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
As a sign of the covenant, God changed the                 of Abraham and Sarai.
  1. looks
  2. names
  3. hair
  4. cloths
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
God always remains                 to his people.
  1. sin
  2. faithful
  3. hope
  4. names
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Beatitudes means:
  1. great happiness
  2. thankfulness
  3. praise
  4. joy
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Blessed are the meek: for they shall                  .
  1. inherit the earth
  2. be persecuted
  3. be filled
  4. be humble
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
On Mount         Sinai         God gave Moses the Ten Commandments which was our            Covenant            with God.
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Matthew 5 is referred to as the:
  1. Mountian Speech
  2. Lord's Prayer
  3. Beatitudes
  4. Blessed Speech
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Blessed are they that                : for they shall be comforted.
  1. cry
  2. are hurt
  3. mourn
  4. fall
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Who is responsible for taking care of the Earth?
  1. Farmers
  2. Our Parents
  3. God
  4. Everyone
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Mary was told by whom that she would have a baby?
  1. Joesph
  2. Elizabeth
  3. John
  4. Gabriel
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Which of the following is the reference for the verse "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself?
  1. John 3:16
  2. Philippians 2:3
  3. John 14:2
  4. Proverbs 4:1
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Moses lead the people out of         Egypt         by parting the       Red       Sea.
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10). This means man is not the measure of all things; God is, and all true education begins and ends with Him.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
Where was the Beatitudes spoken?
  1. house
  2. sea
  3. mountain
  4. temple
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