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Teachings of the Bible Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who was saved by the flood because he was a good and holy man?
  1. Adam
  2. Abraham
  3. Noah
  4. Jesus
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
                led the Israelites to freedom?
  1. Jacob
  2. Noah
  3. Moses
  4. Job
Grade 5 Teachings of the Bible
Which people were the descendants of Abraham?
  1. Hebrews
  2. Lydians
  3. Hittites
  4. Phoenicians
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Stephen was the first martyr. What is a martyr?
  1. Someone who goes to church.
  2. Someone who is from Mars.
  3. Someone who is killed for what they believe.
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Who is the Father of Faith?
  1. Abraham
  2. Noah
  3. Adam
  4. God
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
The King of Egypt was called what?
  1. Pharaoh
  2. Leader
  3. Messiah
  4. Ruler
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
They defeated the Chaldeans and took over Babylon. Their king, Cyrus, permitted Jews to return to Judah.
  1. Babylonians
  2. Assyrians
  3. Persians
  4. Israelites
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
God made a                 with Abraham and his descendants.
  1. sin
  2. names
  3. covenant
  4. hope
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
Speaking against God in a hateful manner:
  1. profanity
  2. blasphemy
  3. cursing
  4. using God's name in vain
Grade 3 Teachings of the Bible
Which fruit of the Spirit did Paul say was the first and most important?
  1. Peace
  2. Faithfulness
  3. Love
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
He is one of the Gospels:
  1. Luke
  2. Peter
  3. Noah
  4. Abraham
Grade 8 Teachings of the Bible
Ethics is the study of:
  1. right and wrong
  2. up and down
  3. heaven and hell
  4. life and death
Grade 5 Teachings of the Bible
In addition to the Scriptures, what teaches us how to follow Jesus?
  1. education
  2. praying
  3. reading
  4. Tradition
Grade 3 Teachings of the Bible
In the story of the Good Samaritan,who passed the man lying on the road without stopping to help?
  1. The priest and the Levite
  2. The priest and the Samaritan
  3. The Levite and the Samaritan
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
                forgave his brothers for selling him as a slave.
  1. Jacob
  2. Mark
  3. Samuel
  4. Joseph
Grade 1 Teachings of the Bible
Who did Jehovah God give the Ten Commandments to?
  1. Jesus
  2. Job
  3. Moses
  4. Adam
Grade 5 Teachings of the Bible
God created the                 to show His promise to Noah.
  1. fluffy clouds
  2. rainbow
  3. earthquakes
  4. shooting stars
Grade 11 Teachings of the Bible
God made a promise to Noah and all mankind to never destroy the earth by water. He gave us the                                        as a sign of this promise.
  1. clouds and atmosphere
  2. story of the little rubber duckies
  3. rainbow
  4. rain
  5. hurricanes, tornadoes, and loud people
Grade 4 Teachings of the Bible
According to Proverbs 10:1, what makes a parent glad?
  1. A wise child
  2. A foolish child
  3. A good report card
  4. Love, respect, and obedience
Grade 6 Teachings of the Bible
                     ,                      ,                      , are significant leaders in early Christianity.
  1. Peter, Paul and Mary
  2. Peter, Paul, and John
  3. Joseph, Mary, John
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