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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Social Studies Questions

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Grade 8 US Government
Checks and balances help to...
  1. elect better presidents.
  2. pass laws more quickly.
  3. pay members of Congress.
  4. control the use of power.
Grade 8 Early National Era
Who was the president who made the Louisiana Purchase?
  1. George Washington
  2. Thomas Jefferson
  3. Abraham Lincoln
  4. John Adams
Grade 8 Exploration
Who was the first explorer to attempt to circumnavigate the globe?
  1. Hernando de Soto
  2. Curious George
  3. Vasco da Gama
  4. Ferdinand Magellan
Grade 8 Early National Era
Grade 8 Civil War
The Republican Party was founded in part due to the failure of which compromise meant to avert a civil war?
  1. Missouri Compromise
  2. Kansas Nebraska Act
  3. Compromise of 1850
  4. Grand Compromise
Grade 8 Early National Era
Grade 8 Early National Era
Which French leader sold the Louisiana territory?
  1. Louis XVI
  2. Charles X
  3. Napoleon I
  4. Louis Napoleon
Grade 8 Exploration
Who was the French explorer that explored the St. Lawrence region of Canada?
  1. Jacques Cartier
  2. Giovanni Verrazano
  3. Henando de Soto
  4. Samuel de Champlain
Grade 8 Great Depression
Who was the president at the beginning of the Great Depression?
  1. Calvin Coolidge
  2. Herbert Hoover
  3. Franklin Roosevelt
  4. Woodrow Wilson
Grade 8 Asian Geography
Grade 8 Map Components
Someone who makes maps is a
  1. cartographer.
  2. geologist.
  3. anthropologist.
Grade 8 Industrial Revolution
Grade 8 Early National Era
What was the name of the rebellion which showed that the Articles of Confederation did not work?
  1. Whiskey Rebellion
  2. Washington's Rebellion
  3. Shays' Rebellion
  4. Constitutional Rebellion
Grade 8 WWI
Grade 8 US History
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