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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Health and Medicine Questions

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Grade 8 Microbiology
Unicellular prokaryotes that may be spherical, rod, or spiral shaped are                .
  1. viruses
  2. antibiotics
  3. fungi
  4. bacteria
Grade 8 Microbiology
Which thing is the smallest in size?
  1. bacterium
  2. red blood cell
  3. virus
  4. lymphocyte
Grade 8 Microbiology
Which statement is true about a virus?
  1. They are nonliving.
  2. They do not have a nucleus or organelles.
  3. They do not have a cell membrane.
  4. All of the above
Grade 8 Microbiology
Eukaryotes that have cell walls, are heterotrophic, feed by absorbing food, and use spores to reproduce are                .
  1. lichen
  2. fungi
  3. algae
  4. mitochondria
Grade 8 Microbiology
Unicellular organisms contain many cells.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Microbiology
Unicellular microorganisms that include bacteria, fungi, and protists are                .
  1. algae
  2. microbes
  3. host cells
  4. plants
Grade 8 Microbiology
A microorganism can only be seen using a microscope.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Microbiology
Which is a type of bacteria?
  1. lambda
  2. bacillus
  3. altus
  4. occisus
Grade 8 Microbiology
How do bacteria move?
  1. flagellum
  2. legs
  3. filopodia
  4. chemorepulsion
Grade 8 Microbiology
Which disease is caused by a virus?
  1. skin cancer
  2. influenza
  3. type 1 diabetes
  4. ringworm
Grade 8 Microbiology
What is the organization of bacteria?
  1. multicellular
  2. single-celled
Grade 8 Microbiology
Unlike simple organisms such as yeast and bacteria,                 organisms are more complex and and contain many cells.
  1. mitochondria
  2. multicellular
  3. unicellular
  4. prokaryotic
Grade 8 Microbiology
What do viruses require to make copies of themselves?
  1. host cell
  2. light
  3. water
  4. Xerox machine
Grade 8 Fitness
Flexibility is best described as the:
  1. Ability to exert force
  2. Ability to work the muscle over a period of time
  3. Range of movement possible at various joints
  4. The ability to bend and touch the toes.
Grade 8 Microbiology
Primary human pathogens include viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 8 Microbiology
Where do bacteria live?
  1. Antarctica
  2. Egypt
  3. everywhere
  4. America
Grade 8 Microbiology
Which organisms do not have a nucleus in their cells?
  1. flagellates
  2. fungi
  3. bacteria
  4. ciliates
Grade 8 Microbiology
Which is a viral sexually transmitted infection?
  1. genital herpes
  2. HIV
  3. HPV
  4. hepatitis B/C
  5. none of the above
  6. all of the above
Grade 8 Microbiology
Eubacteria is a type of
  1. prokaryote.
  2. eukaryote.
Grade 8 Microbiology
Unicellular eukaryotes that are categorized by motility and are mostly microscopic are
  1. bacteria.
  2. viruses.
  3. Animalia.
  4. protozoa.
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