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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Poetic Devices Questions

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Grade 12 Poetic Devices
What is a stanza or poem of four lines called?
  1. quarter
  2. quartet
  3. quatrain
  4. octet
  5. sextet
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
A single metrical line of poetry, or poetry in general.
  1. quatrain
  2. verse
  3. prose
  4. refrain
  5. antithesis
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
A line of poetry that has five metrical feet.
  1. octameter
  2. hexameter
  3. heptameter
  4. tetrameter
  5. pentameter
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
What is the most common type of meter in the English language?
  1. iambic pentameter
  2. heptameter
  3. hexameter
  4. iamb
  5. meter
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole.
  1. metonymy
  2. paradox
  3. litotes
  4. synecdoche
  5. meiosis
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Which choice describes a line of poetry that has four metrical feet?
  1. pentameter
  2. tetrameter
  3. heptameter
  4. octameter
  5. hexameter
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
These are metrical units that move from stressed to unstressed syllables.
  1. hexameter
  2. heptameter
  3. iambic pentameter
  4. falling meter
  5. feminine rhythm
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
What is a line of poetry that has seven metrical feet called?
  1. iambic pentameter
  2. heptameter
  3. hexameter
  4. meter
  5. iamb
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
A line of poetry that has six metrical feet.
  1. iambic pentameter
  2. heptameter
  3. hexameter
  4. iamb
  5. meter
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
What is the analysis of a poem’s meter called?
  1. stress
  2. scanning
  3. scansion
  4. dialect
  5. refrain
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Refers to pleasant spoken sound that is created by smooth consonants.
  1. euphemism
  2. imagery
  3. euphony
  4. cacophony
  5. meiosis
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
A stanza composed of two rhymed lines in iambic pentameter.
  1. couplet
  2. heroic couplet
  3. analogy
  4. blank verse
  5. epithet
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