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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Poetic Devices Questions

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Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: RF.5.4, RF.5.4b
A group of consecutive lines in a poem that forms a single unit:
  1. sonnet
  2. couplet
  3. stanza
  4. narrative poem
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5
Blowing briskly
Leaves fall
We rake
Colored leaves

And jump.

What type of poem is this?
  1. Free Verse
  2. Haiku
  3. Rhyme Scheme
  4. Diamante
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5
Greasy, long
Winding, swimming, moving
An eel is strange.

What type of poem is this?
  1. Haiku
  2. Limerick
  3. Free Verse
  4. Cinquain
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: RF.5.4, RF.5.4b
The more or less regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry is meter.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: RF.5.4, RF.5.4b
Rhythm is the repetition of the same or similar sounds which produce an echoing effect.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5
Identify the poetry type:

Green and speckled legs,
Hop on logs and lily pads
Splash in cool water.
  1. Cinquain
  2. Haiku
  3. Limerick
  4. Quatrain
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.7, RL.5.7
Attention all students! Attention all kids!
Hold onto your horses! Hold onto your lids!
We have just exactly the thing that you need
whenever you've way too much homework to read.

The Marvelous Homework & Housework Machine
will always makes sure that your bedroom is clean.
It loves to write book reports ten pages long,
then put all your toys away where they belong.

This wonderful gadget will do all your math,
then mop up your messes and go take your bath.
The Marvelous Homework & Housework Machine
is truly like no other gizmo you've seen.

It hangs up your clothes on their hangers and hooks,
then reads all your boring geography books.
It brings you a pillow to give you a rest,
then brushes your teeth and prepares for your test.

This thing is amazing. I'm sure you'll agree.
It feeds you dessert while you're watching T.V.
There's only one thing this device will not do.
It won't eat your Brussels sprouts; they're, like, P.U.
--Kenn Nesbitt

If reading this poem aloud, how would you read it?
  1. With a quiet voice
  2. Like a town crier in a "hear ye" voice
  3. As though I was ready a story
  4. With a very serious voice
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5
Identify the type of poetry:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
  1. Quatrain
  2. Cinquain
  3. Couplet
  4. Acrostic
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

What type of poem is this an example of?
  1. sonnet
  2. villanelle
  3. haiku
  4. acrostic
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Which stanza shows a shift in the poem?
  1. Stanza 1
  2. Stanza 2
  3. Stanza 3
  4. Stanza 4
  5. Stanza 5
Grade 5 Poetic Devices
Attention all students! Attention all kids!
Hold onto your horses! Hold onto your lids!
We have just exactly the thing that you need
whenever you've way too much homework to read.

The Marvelous Homework & Housework Machine
will always makes sure that your bedroom is clean.
It loves to write book reports ten pages long,
then put all your toys away where they belong.

This wonderful gadget will do all your math,
then mop up your messes and go take your bath.
The Marvelous Homework & Housework Machine
is truly like no other gizmo you've seen.

It hangs up your clothes on their hangers and hooks,
then reads all your boring geography books.
It brings you a pillow to give you a rest,
then brushes your teeth and prepares for your test.

This thing is amazing. I'm sure you'll agree.
It feeds you dessert while you're watching T.V.
There's only one thing this device will not do.
It won't eat your Brussels sprouts; they're, like, P.U.
--Kenn Nesbitt

What is the Rhyme Scheme of this poem?
Grade 5 Poetic Devices
One morning in my bedroom
I was startled by a snake,
so I picked him up and took him out
and threw him in the lake.

He returned a minute later,
meaning, no, he didn't drown,
so I put him on my bicycle
and rode him out of town.

It was hardly half an hour
till he turned up in my room,
so I packed him in a parcel
and I shipped him to Khartoum.

When I found him back again
on the succeeding afternoon
I went looking for a way that
I could blast him to the moon.

When I couldn't find a rocket
it was then I knew that, dang,
a snake is yours forever
once he eats your boomerang.
--Kenn Nesbitt

What is the tone of this poem?
Grade 5 Poetic Devices
Identify the poetry type:
Tumbling through the air
Ready to become
Air born at any
Moment, feeling the springs
Puch you up
Over and around again and again
Light as a feather
Instantly rebounding,
Naturally full of
  1. Cinquain
  2. Limerick
  3. Diamante
  4. Acrostic
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5
This is an example of what type of poetry:
Happy, Friendly
Running, Jumping, Barking
Paws, Tails, Claws, Teeth
Hiding, Avoiding, Demanding
Snobby, Skittish
  1. Cinquain
  2. Diamante
  3. Limerick
  4. Haiku
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5
Unlike metered poetry,                     free verse poetry                     does NOT have any repeating patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables; does NOT have rhyme.It is very conversational - sounds like someone talking with you.
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?
Grade 5 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.5.5
In                  concrete poems                 , the words are arranged to create a picture that relates to the content of the poem.
Grade 5 Poetic Devices

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Which elements of a haiku are found in the first poem?
  1. about nature or animals
  2. follows the 5-7-5 formula
  3. contains three lines
  4. does not contain complete sentences
Grade 5 Poetic Devices

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Which elements of a haiku are found in the second poem?
  1. about nature or animals
  2. follows the 5-7-5 formula
  3. contains three lines
  4. does not contain complete sentences
Grade 5 Poetic Devices
Identify the type of poem:
Sunny days
Playing outside
Roses grow
Ice melts
Nice days
Green grass
  1. Couplet
  2. Acrostic
  3. Haiku
  4. Quatrain
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