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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Poetic Devices Questions

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Grade 11 Poetic Devices
Grade 11 Poetic Devices
Grade 11 Poetic Devices
What is the inversion of the usual order of words or clauses called?
  1. anastrophe
  2. anaphora
  3. epistrophe
  4. diacope
  5. polysyndeton
Grade 11 Poetic Devices
An expression of grief or sorrow
  1. hope
  2. interlude
  3. lament
  4. sestina
Grade 11 Poetic Devices

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A cadence is a rhythmic rising and falling of the voice as lines of poetry are read aloud. A cadence is used to underscore...
  1. the passing of time
  2. the importance of art
  3. the emotional outpouring of the heart
  4. the true meaning of poetry
  5. none of the above
Grade 11 Poetic Devices
The Villanelle is a                   poem.
  1. very old
  2. highly structured
  3. very romantic
  4. highly praised
Grade 11 Poetic Devices
Grade 11 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.11-12.5

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Which lines represent how the poet uses a paradox to explain what happens when the speaker and his love are apart?
  1. Thy firmness makes my circle just,/And makes me end where I begun.
  2. Inter-assured of the mind,/Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss.
  3. Though I must go, endure not yet/A breach, but an expansion
  4. Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show/To move, but doth, if the other do.
Grade 11 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.11-12.5

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In Stanza 4, how does the poet add emphasis between the second and third lines?
  1. The poet uses an enjambment to get the reader's attention.
  2. The poet uses parentheses to add information.
  3. The poet ends one sentence before beginning the next one.
  4. The poet uses alliteration with the words "admit" and "absence".
Grade 11 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.11-12.3

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Grade 11 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.11-12.5

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Grade 11 Poetic Devices CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.11-12.3

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