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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Poetic Devices Questions

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Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
What is a rhyme that occurs in a final unstressed syllable called?
  1. falling meter
  2. heptameter
  3. feminine meter
  4. hexameter
  5. iambic pentameter
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
What are meters that move from an unstressed syllable to a stressed syllable called?
  1. even meter
  2. falling meter
  3. feminine meter
  4. masculine meter
  5. rising meter
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Where did the tanka originate?
  1. England
  2. Japan
  3. China
  4. Spain
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
An epigram is often                .
  1. witty
  2. nonsensical
  3. illustrated
  4. motivational
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Where did the sestina originate?
  1. England
  2. Ireland
  3. France
  4. Asia
Grade 12 Poetic Devices
Where does the name sestina come from?
  1. september
  2. sestet
  3. session
  4. separate
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