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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Spelling Questions

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Grade 11 Frequently Misspelled Words CCSS: CCRA.L.3, L.11-12.3
When writing, using a word like SPECTACLES or EYEGLASSES instead of the word GLASSES represents:
  1. regional word choice
  2. American English
  3. British English
  4. using a thesaurus
Grade 11 Frequently Misspelled Words CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.11-12.1
Spelling REALIZE as REALISE is an example of:
  1. American English
  2. regional word choice
  3. Oxford spelling
  4. incorrect spelling
Grade 11 Frequently Misspelled Words CCSS: CCRA.L.3, L.11-12.3
Spelling a word like ARTIFACT as ARTEFACT represents a:
  1. synonym
  2. antonym
  3. misspelling
  4. variant
Grade 11 Spelling
Which answer is spelled correctly?
  1. opininated
  2. opinoinated
  3. opinionated
  4. opnoinated
Grade 11 Spelling
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. catastrofic
  2. catastophic
  3. castrophic
  4. catastrophic
Grade 11 Spelling
Which choice is spelled correctly?
  1. assuage
  2. assauge
  3. asauge
  4. asuagge