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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Figurative Language Questions

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Grade 11 Hyperbole CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.11-12.5a
What is the opposite of hyperbole?
  1. sentimental
  2. rhythm
  3. understatement
  4. reason
Grade 11 Hyperbole CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.11-12.5a
Which is an example of hyperbole?
  1. The wind grabbed my arm.
  2. The water is shiny.
  3. I have a million things to do today.
  4. The vibrating washer caused the house to shake.
Grade 11 Figurative Language CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.11-12.5a
What literary device reveals a kind of truth which seems contradictory?
  1. Paradox
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Alliteration
  4. Personification
Grade 11 Figurative Language
Which of the following is the best definition of symbolism?
  1. Words that change meanings based on the context in which they are used
  2. Objects, persons, sounds or events that have conventional meanings and specific connotations
  3. When a visual item, sound, person or event represents an abstract idea different from the literal meaning
  4. A literary device in which the sound of the poem is used to add another layer of meaning to the poem
Grade 11 Figurative Language CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.11-12.5, L.11-12.5a
Which of the following is an example of a paradox?
  1. The Sun Also Rises
  2. Noisy silence
  3. To be or not to be
  4. You must be cruel to be kind
Grade 11 Figurative Language
Grade 11 Figurative Language CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.11-12.5, L.11-12.5a
Which of the following is the best example of a paradox?
  1. "He was in a room full of people, but he felt alone."
  2. "Her home was like her castle."
  3. "He played as if he were a professional on the field."
  4. "A live orchestra filled her ears as she listened to the radio."
Grade 11 Figurative Language
What does symbolism function as?
  1. A stylistic device that evokes emotion, thought and discussion
  2. A literary device that evokes emotion, thought and discussion
  3. A figurative language device that evokes emotion, thought and discussion
  4. A connotative device that evokes emotion, thought and discussion
Grade 11 Figurative Language
What does symbolism in literature allow the reader to do?
  1. See the writer's point-of-view
  2. Gauge the writer’s attitude
  3. Discern the writer’s frame of reference
  4. All of the above
Grade 11 Figurative Language CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.11-12.5, L.11-12.5a
Which of the following is the best example of a paradox?
  1. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."
  2. "I'm busy every moment of the day."
  3. "The ice felt so cold it was hot to the touch."
  4. "The dog scratched until it could scratch no more."
Grade 11 Figurative Language
Which line is an example of assonance?
  1. Bars of rage
  2. Orange sun rays and dares to claim
  3. His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
  4. The caged bird sings
Grade 11 Figurative Language
Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding symbols?
  1. Symbols can be based on cultural items, like a country’s flag, or religion, like a cross for Christianity
  2. Symbols never vary from one culture to another.
  3. Some symbols can seem to be universal across cultures like “light” symbolizing knowledge.
  4. Symbols shift their meaning depending on the context.
Grade 11 Figurative Language CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.11-12.5, L.11-12.5a
Which of the following is the best example of a paradox?
  1. "This rock? Heavy? Why it's as light as a feather."
  2. "The bear slept like a log."
  3. "It's incredibly warm inside the house."
  4. "She has the face of an angel."
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