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Grade 8

The Ransom of Red Chief - Short Stories (Fiction) - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Eighth Grade (Grade 8)

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Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
What is the best description of Johnny Dorset?
  1. He is a freckle-faced boy with red hair who enjoys being outside and playing make believe games
  2. He is one of the kidnappers in the story
  3. He is a kind-hearted young man who goes around his neighborhood doing good deeds, such as mowing lawns and washing windows
  4. He is the father of the kidnapped child
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
This character narrates the story:
  1. Red Chief
  2. Ebenezer Dorset
  3. Bill Driscoll
  4. Sam
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
This character is most afraid of Red Chief:
  1. Red Chief
  2. Sam
  3. Bill Driscoll
  4. Ebenezer Dorset
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
An example of situational irony in O. Henry's story "Ransom of Red Chief" is that the kidnappers...
  1. choose a child of a prominent citizen for their crime
  2. actually pay more money to the child's parent to return the kidnapped victim
  3. are named Sam and Bill
  4. do not choose a very good location to exchange the ransom money
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
The climax of the plot in "Ransom of Red Chief" occurs when...
  1. Ebenezer Dorset's letter demands $250 in order to receive Johnny back home
  2. Red Chief hits Bill Driscoll with a piece of brick
  3. Sam and Bill hide Johnny in a wagon and take him to the cave
  4. Johnny tells the kidnappers that he wants to stay with him
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
This character is ten years old:
  1. Red Chief
  2. Sam
  3. Bill Driscoll
  4. Ebenezer Dorset
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
What was Johnny's reaction when he was returned to his home?
  1. ran inside and hugged his mother
  2. threw a fit because he didn't want to go home
  3. couldn't wait to ride his horse
  4. couldn't wait to play Indian with his family
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
Why did the kidnappers have to return Red Chief at night?
  1. They had to wait until he was asleep
  2. They wanted to drop him off without his parents knowing
  3. They had to hide it from the neighbors who were happy he was gone
  4. They needed to wait until the sun wasn't so hot
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
What is significant about the amounts of $2,000 and $1,500?
  1. $2000 is the amount of money that Sam and Bill got from robbing a bank, and $1500 is from the heist before that
  2. $1500 is the original amount of money that the kidnappers decide to set as the ransom, but then they decide that they need more money, so they ask for $2000
  3. All of the answers here are correct and accurate
  4. $2,000 is the amount of money that Sam and Bill originally planned to ask in ransom, but Bill asked Sam to lower the ransom amount to $1500 for fear that $2000 might be too much to ask
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
In which state does the story take place?
  1. Oklahoma
  2. Tennessee
  3. Alabama
  4. Kentucky
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
Where do the kidnappers hide little Johnny?
  1. Under the hay in a horse stall of a very large barn
  2. They transport Johnny in a buggy and then hide him in a cave
  3. They hide Johnny in the trunk of a junk car at a junk yard
  4. Johnny is hidden in a basement of an abandoned house on the edge of town
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
What is the name of the town where Johnny is from
  1. Mountain View
  2. Summit
  3. Greenbow
  4. Mobile
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
What is NOT an abuse that Johnny heaps upon Bill?
  1. Johnny hits Bill with a rock
  2. Johnny rides Bill like a horse
  3. He puts a red-hot potato down Bill's back
  4. Johnny spits in Bill's hands
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
How did Sam and Bill sign the ransom note?
  1. Two Desperados
  2. Two Dead Men
  3. Two Desperate Men
  4. Two Deranged Men
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
What is not an abuse that Johnny heaps upon Bill?
  1. Johnny hits Bill with a rock
  2. Johnny rides Bill like a horse
  3. He puts a red-hot potato down Bill's back
  4. Johnny spits in Bill's hands
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
What nickname did Red Chief give to Bill?
  1. Sam
  2. Old Hank
  3. Hankie
  4. Billy
Grade 8 The Ransom of Red Chief
What nickname did Red Chief give to Sam?
  1. Bill
  2. Old Hank
  3. Sammy
  4. Snake Eyes