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The Monkey's Paw - Short Stories (Fiction) - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Eighth Grade (Grade 8)

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Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
How does the family know that the first wish caused the tragedy of their son?
  1. The paw whispered it to them
  2. They took a lucky guess
  3. Because the company offered them 200 pounds
  4. They are smart
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
How did the Sergeant get the paw?
  1. From a fakir
  2. From a nun
  3. From his mom
  4. He found it in the road
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
The father mentioned that it was a bog outside and the roads were a torrent. What did he mean?
  1. There was a tornado outside
  2. Monsters were everyehere
  3. It was ugly and flooded outside
  4. The neighbors were throwing a loud party
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Where was the visitor coming from?
  1. Spain
  2. Mexico
  3. India
  4. Louisiana
  5. Boosieville
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Mr. White paid the Sergeant a trifle for the paw. What does the word trifle mean?
  1. A large sum
  2. A small amount
  3. 1 million dollars
  4. 2 million dollars
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
What bad event happened as a result of the first wish?
  1. The dad died.
  2. The son died.
  3. The family got into a bad car accident.
  4. The mom became ill.
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
What was the visitor's name and what was his relationship to the family?
  1. Bob, their cousin
  2. Lyndsie, their sister
  3. Sergeant Major Borris, a friend of the family
  4. Sergent Major Morris, a friend of the family
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
What do the White's receive for the loss of their son?
  1. His briefcase
  2. 200 pounds
  3. A sympathy card
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Why did the father feel guilty about winning the chess game?
  1. He usually loses everything
  2. He hated to win
  3. He had been distracting the son throughout the game
  4. His son has low self-esteem
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
What was Mr. White's first wish?
  1. To be an emperor
  2. 500 pounds
  3. To become rich and famous
  4. 200 pounds
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
What does it mean to say someone has a rubicund of visage?
  1. unhealthy skin
  2. reddish, healthy skin
  3. a bad tan
  4. acne
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
What happens to Herbert at work?
  1. He breaks his leg.
  2. He gets caught and killed in the machinery.
  3. He wins a bet with his coworkers.
Grade 8 The Monkey's Paw
Who is the 3rd person to use the monkey's paw?
  1. Mrs. White
  2. Herbert White
  3. Mr. White
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