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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Health and Medicine Questions

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Grade 5 Microbiology
Bacteria are
  1. animal-like one-celled organisms.
  2. plant-like one-celled organisms.
  3. one-celled organisms with no nucleus.
Grade 5 Microbiology
Which is a fungus?
  1. mold
  2. moss
  3. fern
  4. conifer
Grade 5 Microbiology
Bacteria are not important.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Microbiology
A microorganism is
  1. a single-celled organism that feeds on dead organisms.
  2. a one-celled organisms with no nucleus.
  3. a tiny plant or animal that floats on the surface of the ocean.
  4. a living thing that can be seen only with a microscope.
Grade 5 Microbiology
Something so small you cannot see it with the eye is
  1. ingestion.
  2. macroscopic.
  3. mammalian.
  4. microscopic.
Grade 5 Microbiology
An organism that is made up of only one cell is
  1. ingestion.
  2. multicellular.
  3. single-celled.
  4. macroscopic.
Grade 5 Microbiology
What is true about beneficial bacteria?
  1. They are in your stomach to help digest food.
  2. They help produce cheese.
  3. They turn milk into yogurt.
  4. All of the above
Grade 5 Microbiology
Organisms classified in the                 kingdom are unicellular organisms that have no nucleus. Certain types can cause disease and infection, but others aid in the digestion of food.
  1. protist
  2. animal
  3. plant
  4. bacteria
Grade 5 Microbiology
A                 organism has only one cell that controls all necessary functions for survival.
  1. single-celled
  2. multi-celled
Grade 5 Microbiology
Yeast divide by
  1. sexual reproduction.
  2. asexual reproduction.
  3. mitosis.
  4. meiosis.
Grade 5 Microbiology
A fungus is
  1. a single-celled organism that feeds on dead organisms.
  2. a single-celled organism that relies on living cells to reproduce.
  3. one-celled organism with no nucleus.
  4. a living thing that can be seen only with a microscope.
Grade 5 Microbiology
An amoeba is
  1. a plant-like one-celled organism.
  2. a one-celled organism with no nucleus.
  3. an animal-like one-celled organism.
Grade 5 Microbiology
What are disease-causing agents?
  1. infectious diseases
  2. microorganisms
  3. pathogens
  4. vaccines
Grade 5 Microbiology
Algae are
  1. animal-like one-celled organisms.
  2. plant-like one-celled organisms.
  3. one-celled organisms with no nucleus.
Grade 5 Microbiology
All bacteria are harmful.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Microbiology
What kind of cells surround germs and swallow them?
  1. white blood cells
  2. red blood cells
  3. platelets
  4. antibodies
Grade 5 Microbiology
Bacteria turns milk into yogurt.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Microbiology
What is the most common type of bacteria? They are smaller than eukaryotic cells, have no nucleus or membrane organelles, live almost everywhere, are single celled, and their DNA forms loops. Some have flagellum, and some help make pickles and yogurt.
  1. eubacteria
  2. archaebacteria
  3. autotrophs
  4. heterotrophs
Grade 5 Microbiology
Some bacteria in soil and in the roots of some plants change nitrogen gas into
  1. nitrogen sugars.
  2. nitrogen flowers.
  3. nitrogen compounds.
  4. nitrogen waste.
Grade 5 Microbiology
Which is a unicellular organism?
  1. human
  2. plant
  3. diatom
  4. mushroom
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