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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Conservation and Biodiversity Questions

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Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
The first organisms in a disturbed area are                   .
  1. climax communities
  2. pioneer species
  3. succession
  4. biomes
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
The first organisms in a disturbed area are                   .
  1. climax communities
  2. pioneer species
  3. succession
  4. biomes
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
What is extinction?
  1. the end of a breed of a species
  2. the end of an organism in a population
  3. the end of a species on Earth
  4. none of the above
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
A species that is unable to reproduce any further will eventually                         .
  1. adapt to its environment
  2. become immune to disease
  3. become extinct
  4. increase its population
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
Ecologists measure wildlife populations by                  .
  1. trap-mark-release
  2. biotic potential
  3. carrying capacity
  4. limiting factors
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
What living organisms determine the health of an ecosystem?
  1. biotic factors
  2. abiotic factors
  3. amphibians
  4. bio-indicators
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
Ecologists measure wildlife populations by                  .
  1. trap-mark-release
  2. biotic potential
  3. carrying capacity
  4. limiting factors
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
What is the conservation priority of Spix's macaw?
  1. least concern
  2. vulnerable
  3. endangered
  4. critically endangered
  5. extinct in the wild
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
The variety and productivity of organisms found in freshwater environments depends upon the
  1. depth that sunlight reaches.
  2. nutrient content and depth.
  3. speed of water and the oxygen level.
  4. all of the above
Grade 8 Conservation and Biodiversity
What organization did Sir Peter Scott found?
  1. WWA
  2. WWF
  3. IUCN
  4. Save the Wildlife
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