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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Adaptations and Behavior Questions

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Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
An action done to help an organism with survival is a                      .
  1. mutation
  2. behavioral adaptation
  3. variation
  4. structural adaptation
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
When birds fly south for the winter they are demonstrating which type of adaptation?
  1. structural adaptation
  2. successful reproduction
  3. hibernation
  4. behavioral adaptation
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
Which is the best example of cooperation?
  1. cat eating a bird
  2. eagle chasing a mouse
  3. insect spreading flower pollen
  4. tiger stalking an antelope
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
What allows an organism to better survive in its environment?
  1. physiology
  2. adaptation
  3. variation
  4. species
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
A snake's hinged jaw is a                 adaptation.
  1. behavioral
  2. selectional
  3. physiological
  4. structural
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
Which term describes an individual shivering when it is cold outside?
  1. genetic variation
  2. behavioral adaptation
  3. physiological adaptation
  4. camouflage
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
An inherited trait that gives an organism an advantage in its particular environment is a(n)
  1. speciation.
  2. unicellular organism.
  3. adaptation.
  4. vestigial organ.
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
If conditions of Earth gradually become drier, which plant would be more likely to survive?
  1. one that allows a lot of water to pass through the leaves
  2. one that has thick leaves
  3. one that had a long root system to search for water
  4. b and c
  5. a and b
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
An inherited trait that provides one with an advantage in a specific environment is a(n)
  1. speciation.
  2. unicellular organism.
  3. adaptation.
  4. vestigial organ.
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
What advantage does white fur confer to an Arctic hare?
  1. White fur offers camouflage in the snow.
  2. White fur keeps the rabbit warm.
  3. White fur is better suited for mating.
  4. all of the above
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
What is shaping?
  1. the step-by-step process of training complex behavior
  2. the process by which a marine mammal develops
  3. slapping the water with a dorsal fin
  4. coming together and forming a pod of whales or dolphins
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
A reinforcer is
  1. a horizontal lobe on the tale of a whale, dolphin, or porpoise.
  2. a synthetic material infused into coral reefs to protect them.
  3. an animal of prey that helps to keep marine populations stable.
  4. a stimulus that strengthens behavior.
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
Pairing is
  1. the process of two marine mammals selecting each other as mates.
  2. associating a new stimulus with a familiar one.
  3. a genetic mutation in which whales develop an extra tail.
  4. a leap out of the water by an animal such as a dolphin, penguin, or sea lion.