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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Story Elements Questions

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Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.4.2
Caleb was having a really bad day. He was being rude to everyone! He pushed Fred on his way to class, and even threw Michael's books out of his hands. When it came time to go to the basketball game that night at school, Caleb decided to go to the concession stand and order a hot dog and a soda. As he waited for his food, he stuck his hand in his pocket to get his money but it was gone! He must have lost it. He turned around to ask Michael if he could borrow some money but Michael was just laughing at him.

What would be the BEST theme for this passage?
  1. Everything always works out in the end.
  2. You should always carry extra money.
  3. Always treat people as kindly as you would like to be treated.
  4. Be nice to everyone, they could end up being a good friend.
Grade 4 Story Elements
            Main Idea             is the most important idea the author wants you to understand.
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3
Mrs. Melissa called my name to come sit in her chair. First, she washed my hair. I love the smell of the shampoo she uses. Then, once she was done washing my hair, she began to cut my hair. I love getting my hair cut!

What is the setting of this story?
  1. Farm
  2. Desert
  3. Barbershop
  4. School
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.4.2
A lion had been watching three bulls feeding in an open field everyday for a week. He had tried to attack them many times, but they stayed together as a team and helped each other drive him off.

The lion had little hope of eating them, for he was no match for three strong bulls with their sharp horns and hooves. But he could not keep himself away from that field! It was too hard to resist watching a good meal, even when there is little chance of getting it.

Then one day, the bulls had a fight with each other. When the hungry lion came back to watch them that day, he found them all in separate corners of the field, as far away from one another as they could get....still mad at each other.

It was now very easy for the lion to attack the bulls one at a time and have a grand dinner!

What is the BEST moral for this story?
  1. Don't try to eat something with horns.
  2. Giving up on the things you really want is the best choice.
  3. Some things are just not meant to be.
  4. Together, we are stronger.
Grade 4 Story Elements
Some stories take place long ago. These stories take place in the                .
  1. past
  2. present
  3. future
Grade 4 Story Elements
Which is NOT part of the setting?
  1. Day
  2. Time
  3. Problem
  4. Location
Grade 4 Story Elements
Our house sat right on the edge of the river.

Which part of the setting does this sentence describe?
  1. Where
  2. When
Grade 4 Story Elements
It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Which part of the setting does this sentence describe?
  1. Where
  2. When
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: RF.4.4, RF.4.4a
The        plot        has a conflict, obstacles, and a resolution.
Grade 4 Story Elements
What is the author's attitude in writing whether it be stated or implied?
  1. alliteration
  2. hyperbole
  3. tone
  4. concrete emotions
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.4.2
Tim loved baseball but hated his old baseball glove. He wanted to play with a new glove, but he didn't have any money so he decided to steal one. But when Tim got caught stealing the glove, his parents said he couldn't play baseball at all that summer as his punishment.
What is the BEST theme for this passage?
  1. You should always just take what you want.
  2. Stealing is a good idea.
  3. If you want something, you should work for it.
  4. Only lie to your parents if you won't get caught.
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3
It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Which part of the setting does this sentence describe?
  1. Where
  2. When
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: RF.4.4, RF.4.4a
How the story makes you feel is called the        mood       .
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: RF.4.4, RF.4.4a
The        tone        is the author's feelings.
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: RF.4.4, RF.4.4a
The               protagonist               is the central character.
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3
Our house sat right on the edge of the river.

Which part of the setting does the sentence above describe?
  1. Where
  2. When
Grade 4 Story Elements
Some stories are about things that haven't happened yet. These stories take place in the
  1. Past
  2. Future
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3
Which is NOT part of the setting?
  1. Day
  2. Time
  3. Problem
  4. Location
Grade 4 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3
Fill in the blanks to describe which setting the following characters might be found in:

Cow -        Farm       
Camel -          Desert         
Eskimo -                    Alaska or Tundra                   
Cactus -          Desert         
Grade 4 Story Elements
A                 or goal of the characters determines the way the story will unfold and informs the audience about the motivations of the characters in the story.
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