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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Story Elements Questions

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Grade 10 Story Elements
Grade 10 Story Elements
The theme of a story is:
  1. sequence of events
  2. a universal idea presented within the story
  3. people or animals
  4. place and time
Grade 10 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.9-10.3
  1. principal character or force in opposition to a protagonist
  2. the point of maximum tension or interest
  3. main character in a work of fiction involved in the central conflict
  4. provides background information and introduced setting and important characters
Grade 10 Story Elements CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.9-10.3
  1. principal character or force in opposition to a protagonist
  2. main character in a work of fiction involved in the central conflict
  3. time and place of the action of a piece of literature
  4. contrast between appearance and reality
Grade 10 Story Elements
Grade 10 Story Elements

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Which choices best describes the tone of "O Captain! My Captain!"?
  1. somber
  2. excited
  3. jubilant
  4. reverent
  5. disparaging