There was once a wolf, and he got very hungry, and so he went to have a look to see what he could find for dinner. After a bit he saw a ram feeding in a meadow, so he went up to him and said: “Mr. Ram, Mr. Ram, I'm going to eat you!” But the ram answered: “Who are you, I should like to know, that you mean to eat me?”
“I'm a wolf, and I'm looking for a good dinner,” said the wolf. “What sort of a wolf do you fancy you are?” answered the ram, “you're not, you're a dog!” “No, I'm not a dog,” said he, “I'm a wolf.” “Well then,” answered the ram, “if you're a wolf, stand at the bottom of the hill and open your jaws wide. Then I'll run down the hill and jump straight into your mouth.” “All right,” said the wolf.
So he stood at the bottom of the hill and opened his mouth wide, while the ram climbed to the top of the hill. Then he ran down the hill very fast, and hit the wolf with his horns as hard as he could.
The wolf rolled over, knocked senseless with the blow, while the ram ran off home. And there lay the wolf, till at last he came to himself again, with all his bones aching.
“Well, what a fool I must have been!” thought he. “Who ever saw a ram jump into one's mouth of his own free will?”
Which part of the story does the picture below show?
“I'm a wolf, and I'm looking for a good dinner,” said the wolf.
So he stood at the bottom of the hill and opened his mouth wide, while the ram climbed to the top of the hill.
And there lay the wolf, till at last he came to himself again, with all his bones aching.
“Well, what a fool I must have been!” thought he.