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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Latin America and Caribbean Questions

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Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
What was the name of the Aztec capital city?
  1. Texcoco
  2. Tlacopan
  3. Purepecha
  4. Tenochtitlan
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
What is the name of the largest Olmec city?
  1. Monte Albán
  2. Teotihuacan
  3. La Venta
  4. Tres Zapotes
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
The Nazca lived in what modern-day country?
  1. Peru
  2. Chile
  3. Bolivia
  4. Ecuador
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
What was the name of the Zapotec capital city?
  1. Tenochtitlán
  2. Cholula
  3. Monte Albán
  4. Tres Zapotes
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
What was name of the Toltec capital city?
  1. Teotihuacán
  2. Huapalcalco
  3. Cobá
  4. Tula
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Mixtec artisans were renowned for what craft?
  1. jade working
  2. gold working
  3. weaving
  4. stone cutting
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Eight Deer Jaguar Claw was from which important Mixtec city?
  1. Monte Albán
  2. Cuilapan
  3. Tututepec
  4. Tilantongo
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
Grade 8 Latin America and Caribbean
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