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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Jacksonian Era Questions

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Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
What did suffrage mean during the "Jacksonian Democracy"?
  1. the right for ALL white male citizens to vote
  2. the right for ALL Americans to vote
  3. the right for ALL African Americans to vote
  4. the right for ALL women to vote
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
A major issue during Andrew Jackson's presidency was
  1. slavery.
  2. states' rights.
  3. the War of 1812.
  4. independence.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
The forced removal of the Cherokees to Oklahoma was known as the
  1. Long March.
  2. Last Stand.
  3. Trail of Tears.
  4. Walk to Freedom.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
Which of the following was a justification used by the United States to remove Indians from their land?
  1. If Indians don't move they'll be killed by American Settlers
  2. The land they will move to will be much better than the land they're on
  3. America is looking out for the best interest of the Native Americans
  4. All of the Above
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
Why did many Native American groups sign treaties agreeing to move west after the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?
  1. They trusted the government and considered the treaties to be fair and in their best interests.
  2. The land they were promised was some of the most productive farmland in the west.
  3. They felt that they had no choice and would be forcibly removed from their land anyway.
  4. Most Native Americans had voted for Jackson, and they agreed with his policies.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
The practice of rewarding supporters with political jobs is known as
  1. electoral voting.
  2. states' rights.
  3. a caucus.
  4. the spoils system.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
The forced removal of the Cherokees to Oklahoma was known as the
  1. Walk to Freedom.
  2. Long March.
  3. Last Stand.
  4. Trail of Tears.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
President Jackson
  1. renewed the charter of the Second Bank of the United States.
  2. believed that the national back was a constitutional exercise of governmental powers.
  3. vetoed the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States and withdrew all federal monies from it.
  4. supported the Second Bank of the United States.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
By putting into effect the Indian Removal Act, President Jackson was supporting
  1. the power of a strong federal government.
  2. the Bank of the United States.
  3. the power of the Supreme Court.
  4. rights of Native Americans.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
President Jackson's policy toward Native Americans
  1. exhibited patience, understanding, and respect for their culture and history.
  2. centered around a policy of their removal from their native lands.
  3. did not affect lands that were previously granted to Native Americans by treaties.
  4. none of the above.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
Henry Clay's vision of the American System included
  1. a protective tariff for American manufacturing.
  2. a national system of roads and canals to encourage commerce between farmers and consumers.
  3. authorization of a Second National Bank to finance road, canal, and harbor construction, and to provide credit to developing industries.
  4. all of the above.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
Andrew Jackson's election to the Presidency in 1828 was significant because
  1. it continued the tradition of electing candidates who were born in VA or New England.
  2. it signaled the death of the Democratic Party.
  3. he brought a greater degree of democracy to American government.
  4. all of the above.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
Jacksonian democracy
  1. saw a rise in the political participation of the common man.
  2. demanded allegiance to the abolitionist movement.
  3. was the strongest supporter of the National Bank.
  4. all of the above.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
The doctrine of nullification
  1. arose in connection with tariffs passed during Andrew Jackson's presidency.
  2. was first mentioned by George Washington.
  3. is based on the premise of the importance of the federal government..
  4. all of the above.
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
Which of the following is one cause of the Panic of 1837?
  1. the trouble banks had collecting on loans
  2. a shortage of paper money printed to meet the public demand
  3. the election of President Martin Van Buren
  4. the Seminole Wars
Grade 8 Jacksonian Era
Which issue was Andrew Jackson referring to when he said, "John Marshall has made
his decision. Now let him enforce it"?
  1. interstate commerce
  2. the dumping of goods by Britain in the United States
  3. a state attempt to apply its laws to Cherokee territory
  4. a case about the importance of private contracts
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