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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Geomorphology Questions

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Grade 5 Geomorphology
Weathering occurs when rock                                                 .
  1. gets wet in the rain or snow.
  2. is worn away or broken down into smaller pieces.
  3. melts.
  4. erodes.
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What do you call the process in which materials are eroded by weather or ice and are dropped into a new place, creating a new landform?
  1. Weathering
  2. Deposition
  3. Erosion
  4. Melting
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What do you call the surface landforms in an area?
  1. topography
  2. landform
  3. weathering
  4. erosion
Grade 5 Geomorphology
The process of wearing away rocks by natural means is                .
  1. erosion
  2. weathering
  3. faulting
  4. an earthquake
Grade 5 Geomorphology
The process of moving sediment by wind, moving water, or ice is                .
  1. erosion
  2. weathering
  3. an earthquake
  4. faulting
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Erosion occurs when sediment is moved by wind, ice, or moving water.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What changes Earth's surface?
  1. volcanoes
  2. weathering
  3. erosion
  4. all of the above
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What are three major causes for erosion?
  1. snow, tornado, volcano
  2. sinkholes, landslides, mudslides
  3. ice, wind, water
  4. wind, heat, plate tectonics
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Weathering and erosion are always quick changes to Earth's surface.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Which is an example of erosion?
  1. a water slide
  2. a garden in the backyard
  3. a newly planted plant
  4. formation of the Grand Canyon
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Surface landforms of an area are called topography.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Which is a slow change?
  1. Erosion
  2. Volcanic eruption
  3. Tsunami
  4. Tornado
Grade 5 Geomorphology
An area of new land at the mouth of a river, formed from sediments carried by the river, is called the                .
  1. epicenter
  2. delta
  3. topography
  4. fault
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Which of the following IS NOT a physical type of weathering?
  1. acid rain
  2. freeze-thaw
  3. plant root pry
Grade 5 Geomorphology
A natural land shape or feature is a                .
  1. landform
  2. delta
  3. plate
  4. lava
Grade 5 Geomorphology
                are usually formed by rivers eroding sediments.
  1. Deltas
  2. Canyons
  3. Lakes
Grade 5 Geomorphology
                forces destroy and wear away landmasses through processes like erosion and weathering.
  1. Constructive
  2. Wearing
  3. Erosive
  4. Destructive
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Erosion is the process where water, ice, wind, and heat break down rock and shape the surface of Earth.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Uplifting is vertical movement of a landform, mostly occurring in                 formation.
  1. mountain
  2. lake
  3. rock
  4. soil
  5. glacier
Grade 5 Geomorphology
A landform with high elevation and a more or less level surface is called a                .
  1. mountain
  2. valley
  3. plain
  4. plateau
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