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Third Grade (Grade 3) Geomorphology Questions

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Grade 3 Geomorphology
What landform has a peak?
  1. Plain
  2. Plateau
  3. Mountain
  4. Valley
Grade 3 Geomorphology
Gravity can pull rocks and soil rapidly down a hillside causing a(n)                .
  1. tsunami
  2. earthquake
  3. landslide
  4. volcano
Grade 3 Geomorphology
The process of breaking down rocks into smaller particles is called                .
  1. erosion
  2. weathering
  3. sedimentation
Grade 3 Geomorphology
What causes erosion?
  1. wind
  2. moving water
  3. ice
  4. all of the above
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A                 is lowland area between higher areas such as mountains.
  1. valley
  2. canyon
  3. volcano
  4. lake
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A piece of land that is surrounded by water is
  1. a peninsula.
  2. a bay.
  3. an island.
  4. a plain.
Grade 3 Geomorphology
What is a huge body of salt water called?
  1. pond
  2. stream
  3. ocean
  4. lake
Grade 3 Geomorphology
                are the features of Earth's surface.
  1. Landslides
  2. Landforms
  3. Metamorphic
  4. Floods
Grade 3 Geomorphology
What do you call a landform that has a raised area or mound of land?
  1. Mountain
  2. Hill
  3. Platform
  4. Canyon
Grade 3 Geomorphology
Which of the following causes slow changes to Earth's surface?
  1. tsunami
  2. earthquake
  3. hurricane
  4. glacier
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A/n               is a an area of land that is entirely surrounded by water and can be located in a lake or in the ocean.
  1. mountain
  2. valley
  3. island
  4. volcano
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A raised area of land with a level or flat surface is
  1. a valley.
  2. a plateau.
  3. an island.
  4. a canyon.
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A wide flat area on Earth's surface is a                .
  1. plain
  2. valley
  3. plateau
  4. peninsula
Grade 3 Geomorphology
Florida is a good example of which landform?
  1. Island
  2. Wetland
  3. Plateau
  4. Peninsula
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A large mound of earth and rock, usually larger than 2,000 feet, is a                .
  1. cave
  2. river
  3. plain
  4. mountain
Grade 3 Geomorphology
Barrier islands are
  1. where the fresh water and salt water meet.
  2. sandy stripes of land protecting the mainland from the ocean that would otherwise damage the coast.
  3. freshwater or saltwater wetlands with trees.
  4. freshwater and saltwater wetlands with tall grasses.
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A steeply raised mass of land that forms a peak at the top, and is much higher than the land around it.
  1. lake
  2. canyon
  3. plateau
  4. mountain
Grade 3 Geomorphology
An          island          is land with water ALL around it.
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A          valley          is low land between hills or mountains.
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A             peninsula             is a landform that is surrounded by water on 3 sides.
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