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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Geology Questions

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Grade 5 Historical Geology
A fossil is                                                         .
  1. the imprint or remains of something that lived long ago.
  2. sedimentary rock formed from layers of sand and mud.
  3. the soft part of the animal from long ago.
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Weathering occurs when rock                                                 .
  1. gets wet in the rain or snow.
  2. is worn away or broken down into smaller pieces.
  3. melts.
  4. erodes.
Grade 5 Rocks
Sedimentary rock is not formed by which of the following?
  1. the constant layering of the sediments.
  2. pressure on sediment layers.
  3. compaction and cementation.
  4. doing experiments.
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What do you call the process in which materials are eroded by weather or ice and are dropped into a new place, creating a new landform?
  1. Weathering
  2. Deposition
  3. Erosion
  4. Melting
Grade 5 Rocks
High heat and pressure can change igneous, sedimentary. and metamorphic rocks into                   .
  1. igneous rocks.
  2. minerals.
  3. metamorphic rocks.
  4. sedimentary rocks.
Grade 5 Volcanoes
Steep-sided volcanoes composed of many layers of volcanic rocks, usually made from high-viscosity lava, ash and rock debris are called                    .
  1. Cinder Cones
  2. Composite Volcanoes
  3. Shield Volcanoes
  4. Lava Volcanoes
Grade 5 Tectonics
What landform(s) is/are formed at a subduction zone?
Subduction Zone
  1. faults
  2. volcanoes only
  3. mountains only
  4. mountains and volcanoes
Grade 5 Volcanoes
A volcano shaped like a bowl in the middle with long gentle slopes made by basaltic lava flows is called                    .
  1. Cinder Cones
  2. Composite Volcanoes
  3. Shield Volcanoes
  4. Lava Volcanoes
Grade 5 Tectonics
Which of these would most likely result from plate movement?
  1. global winds
  2. sandy beaches
  3. ocean currents
  4. mountain ranges
Grade 5 Volcanoes
Circular or oval cones made up of small pieces of lava from a single vent (hole) that have been blown into the air, cooled and fallen around the vent is called                    .
  1. Cinder Cones
  2. Composite Volcanoes
  3. Shield Volcanoes
  4. Lava Volcanoes
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What do you call the surface landforms in an area?
  1. topography
  2. landform
  3. weathering
  4. erosion
Grade 5 Rocks
What do all rocks have in common?
  1. They all have the same color.
  2. They all have minerals.
  3. They all have the same shape.
  4. They are all the same size.
Grade 5 Soil
What kind of soil is most likely found in the desert?
  1. dark, damp soil
  2. dry, sandy soil
  3. sticky, red soil
  4. think, muddy soil
Grade 5 Earth's Layers
Which layer of Earth do plants and animals live on?
  1. inner core
  2. outer core
  3. mantle
  4. crust
Grade 5 Geomorphology
The process of wearing away rocks by natural means is                .
  1. erosion
  2. weathering
  3. faulting
  4. an earthquake
Grade 5 Tectonics
The theory of plate movement is called                      .
  1. plate tectonics
  2. geology
  3. continental tectonics
  4. biology
Grade 5 Rocks
Sandstone, shale, and limestone are examples of                 rock.
  1. igneous
  2. metamorphic
  3. sedimentary
Grade 5 Rocks
What hot, liquid rock spews out of an erupting volcano?
  1. ash
  2. magma
  3. lava
  4. carbon dioxide
Grade 5 Geomorphology
The process of moving sediment by wind, moving water, or ice is                .
  1. erosion
  2. weathering
  3. an earthquake
  4. faulting
Grade 5 Tectonics
A shaking of the ground, caused by movement of the crust, is a(n)                .
  1. volcano
  2. earthquake
  3. sinkhole
  4. jetty
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