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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Geomorphology Questions

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Grade 10 Geomorphology
Grade 10 Geomorphology
Grade 10 Geomorphology
Grade 10 Geomorphology
Grade 10 Geomorphology
What is stress?
  1. movement of waves parallel to rock particles
  2. force (pressure) exerted on a material
  3. deformation of materials
  4. units measure on the Richter scale
Grade 10 Geomorphology
The sheet name of a topographic map is typically named after what feature shown on the map sheet?
  1. largest city
  2. military installation
  3. prominent cultural or geographic feature
  4. alpha-numerical grid zone designation
Grade 10 Geomorphology
Which sedimentary structure would be most likely be seen in sand dunes?
  1. nodules
  2. trace fossils
  3. mud cracks
  4. cross-bedding
Grade 10 Geomorphology
What happens to a material when it under goes stress that exceeds its strength?
  1. The material undergoes ductile/plastic deformation.
  2. The material is deformed permanently.
  3. The material returns to its original state.
  4. The material breaks or fails.
Grade 10 Geomorphology

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Grade 10 Geomorphology

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