Question Info

This question is public and is used in 28 tests or worksheets.

Type: Fill-In-The-Blank
Category: Geomorphology
Level: Grade 10
Score: 1
Author: LBeth
Last Modified: 6 years ago

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Geomorphology Question

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Grade 10 Geomorphology

Use the topographic map to fill-in-the-blanks below. Assume a contour interval of 10 feet and that J is located at 0 feet.
Topographic Map

a) The elevation of E is      50      feet.

b) The elevation of A is      10      feet.

c) The elevation of H is      30      feet.

d) The change in elevation between H and E is      20      feet.

e) The change in elevation between B and D is      40      feet.

f) L is located at approximately the same elevation as      C      .

g) K has an approximate elevation of      25      feet.

h) Which has a steeper gradient, H to L or I to L?          H to L         

i) Given F and G, which one is upstream?      G      

j) Which letter represents an area of depression?      A