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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) American Imperialism Questions

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Grade 8 American Imperialism
Grade 8 American Imperialism
Some Americans opposed the imperialist spirit and insisted that "Constitution follows the flag." This means that:
  1. people in the newly acquired territories should automatically receive all the rights guaranteed to all Americans by the Constitution.
  2. people in the newly acquired territories should be given both a flag and a copy of the Constitution.
  3. the flag should be printed on every copy of the Constitution.
Grade 8 American Imperialism
Why did Colombia reject the treaty?
  1. They didn't like the President Roosevelt.
  2. They didn't understand English.
  3. They wanted more money.
  4. They wanted the canal to be built through Colombia.
Grade 8 American Imperialism
The U.S. had become one of the world's leading powers. But possessing power was only one side of the picture. The other more troublesome side was:
  1. transferring this power to another country such as England.
  2. making wise use of this power.
  3. finding ways to conquer the rest of the world.
Grade 8 American Imperialism
The Philippine Government Act of 1902 provided that:
  1. the governor and the commission were appointed by the President.
  2. the governor was elected by the Filipinos but the commission was appointed by the President.
  3. the Filipinos would be totally self-governing.
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