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First Grade (Grade 1) The Presidents Questions

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Grade 1 The Presidents
Abraham Lincoln was known as                .
  1. Mr. Money
  2. Tall Man
  3. Honest Abe
Grade 1 The Presidents
Who was the first president of the United States?
  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. Barack Obama
  3. George Washington
Grade 1 The Presidents
Abraham Lincoln signed                              which freed the slaves.
  1. his name
  2. The Emancipation Proclamation
  3. where he was born
Grade 1 The Presidents
What outside character traits would you use to describe Abraham Lincoln?
  1. tall, thin, strong
  2. short, fat, bald
  3. old, wrinkled, rough
Grade 1 The Presidents
Abraham Lincoln was born in what kind of home?
  1. An apartment building
  2. A log cabin
  3. A tent
Grade 1 The Presidents
Which president made Thanksgiving a national holiday?
  1. Millard Fillmore
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. George Bush
Grade 1 The Presidents
What inside character traits would you use to describe Abraham Lincoln?
  1. grumpy, happy, fun
  2. unfair, mean, rude
  3. nice, kind, fair
Grade 1 The Presidents
Who helped to end slavery once he became President?
  1. John Kennedy
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Bill Clinton
Grade 1 The Presidents
Who was the first president?
  1. George Washington
  2. Abraham Lincoln
Grade 1 The Presidents
President Obama has how many children?
  1. 2 boys
  2. 2 girls
  3. 1 boy, 1 girl
  4. 4 girls