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First Grade (Grade 1) Colonial Period Questions

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Grade 1 Colonial Period
Who did the Pilgrims invite to their feast?
  1. the Wampanoag people
  2. French traders
  3. Spanish conquistadors
Grade 1 Colonial Period
There were 13 original colonies.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Ben Franklin proved lightning was a form of electricity. This fact tells you he was a                .
  1. leader
  2. writer
  3. printer
  4. scientist
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Mark all that is true about the Southern Colonies.
  1. They had huge plantations.
  2. They shared their land peacefully with the Native Americans.
  3. They relied on slaves to do a lot of the work.
  4. They did not farm at all.
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Roanoke Island was the first English settlement in the United States.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Colonial Period
What did the French and the British sign to end the French & Indian War?
  1. The Revolutionary War
  2. The Declaration of Independence
  3. The Treaty of Paris
  4. The Magna Carta
Grade 1 Colonial Period
No one knows for sure what happened to the settlers at Roanoke Island- they were all gone when John White returned to the settlement in 1590.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Colonial Period
During the Great Awakening many people became very interested in religion once again.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Why is the French & Indian War sometimes called the "Seven Years War"?
  1. It took 7 years to get the Native Americans to help them fight.
  2. It took 7 years for the French to sail over and fight the British.
  3. The British and French had been friends for 7 years before the war.
  4. It lasted 7 years.
Grade 1 Colonial Period
What was the main reason the Native Americans fought the colonists in King Philip's War?
  1. King Philip told them to fight so they did.
  2. The colonists wanted to steal the gold from the Native Americans.
  3. The colonists were taking over the Native American's land.
  4. King Philip wanted to marry a colonist.
Grade 1 Colonial Period
One of George Washington's first military missions was during the French & Indian War when he was only 21 years old.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Colonial Period
What was one of the reasons why the French were winning the French & Indian War at the beginning?
  1. The French knew how to fight sneakily in the forests and the British did not.
  2. The French had a lot more gold.
  3. The French had faster ships.
  4. The French wore bright red uniforms so they were easy to see.
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Colonists are people who                                                       ?
  1. Gather into groups.
  2. Settle in a new land that is ruled by another country.
  3. Have a bad disease.
  4. Lived during the Civil War.
Grade 1 Colonial Period
How many original colonies were there?
  1. 10
  2. 4
  3. 13
  4. 8
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Who helped Native Americans and English settlers become friends?
  1. William Clark
  2. Pocahontas
  3. Ruby Bridges
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Crazy Horse was a famous Sioux warrior.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Why did the Pilgrims leave England?
  1. They wanted bigger houses.
  2. They wanted religious freedom.
  3. They wanted to meet Native Americans.
Grade 1 Colonial Period
At the beginning of the French & Indian War, most of the Native Americans fought on the side of the British.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Mark all of the items Europeans traded with the Algonquians for the furs they trapped.
  1. Metal tools
  2. Cloth
  3. Deer meat
  4. Alcohol
  5. Guns
  6. Fancy hats
Grade 1 Colonial Period
Where did the Pilgrims come from?
  1. England
  2. Disneyworld
  3. Pluto
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