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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) The Presidents Questions

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Grade 11 The Presidents
Who became president after Franklin Roosevelt died in office?
  1. Harry Truman
  2. Dwight Eisenhower
  3. Herbert Hoover
  4. John Kennedy
Grade 11 The Presidents
Which General from World War II would later become a United States president?
  1. George Patton
  2. Douglas MacArthur
  3. Dwight Eisenhower
  4. Benito Mussolin
Grade 11 The Presidents
How did Theodore Roosevelt become president?
  1. President McKinley was assassinated.
  2. President Wilson was assassinated.
  3. President Kennedy was assassinated.
Grade 11 The Presidents
What president established the Federal Reserve System?
  1. Grover Cleveland
  2. Woodrow Wilson
  3. William McKinley
Grade 11 The Presidents
Theodore Roosevelt suffered a great tragedy when what happened?
  1. He lost his bid to be president.
  2. His best friend was lost at sea.
  3. His wife and mother died on the same day.
Grade 11 The Presidents
Grade 11 The Presidents
President Jackson was known by the nickname
  1. Stonewall
  2. Old Hickory
  3. the Little Magician
  4. Skip
Grade 11 The Presidents
Who succeeded President Lincoln after his assassination?
  1. Ulysses S. Grant
  2. Warren G. Harding
  3. Andrew Johnson
  4. Martin van Buren
Grade 11 The Presidents
The first person to use the presidency as a "bully pulpit" was
  1. William H. Taft
  2. Theodore Roosevelt
  3. Woodrow Wilson
  4. William McKinley
Grade 11 The Presidents
The presidency of                     was marked by corruption.
  1. Ulysses S. Grant
  2. Rutherford B. Hayes
  3. William H. Taft
Grade 11 The Presidents
Who was elected President in 1828?
  1. William Henry Harrison
  2. John Quincy Adams
  3. John C. Calhoun
  4. Andrew Jackson
Grade 11 The Presidents
Which statement best summarizes President Theodore Roosevelt's views about conservation?
  1. Environmental issues are best decided by the private sector.
  2. Wilderness areas and their resources should be protected for the public good.
  3. Decisions about the use of natural resources should be left to the states.
Grade 11 The Presidents
1789 - 1797                    George Washington                    

1797 - 1801             John Adams             

1801 - 1809                    Thomas Jefferson                   

1809 - 1817                 James Madison                

1817 - 1825                James Monroe               

1767 - 1829                     John Quincy Adams                    

1829 - 1837                  Andrew Jackson                 

1837 - 1841                    Martin Van Buren                   

1841                 W.H. Harrison                

1841 - 1845              John Tyler             

1845 - 1849              James Polk             

1849 - 1850                  Zachary Taylor                 

1850 - 1853                    Millard Fillmore                   

1853 - 1857                   Franklin Pierce                  

1857 - 1861                  James Buchanon                 

1861 - 1865                   Abraham Lincoln                  

1865 - 1869                  Andrew Johnson                 

1869 - 1877                 Ulysses Grant                

1877 - 1881                       Rutherford B. Hayes                      

1881                  James Garfield                 

1881 - 1885                  Chester Arthur                 

1885 - 1889                    Grover Cleveland                   

1889 - 1893                     Benjamin Harrison                    

1893 - 1897                    Grover Cleveland                   

1897 - 1901                    William McKinley                   

1901 - 1909                T. Roosevelt               

1909 - 1913                   William H. Taft                  

1913 - 1921                  Woodrow Wilson                 

1921 - 1923                     Warren G. Harding                    

1923 - 1929                   Calvin Coolidge                  

1929 - 1933                  Herbert Hoover                 

1933 - 1945                         Franklin D. Roosevelt                        

1945 - 1953                Harry Truman               

1953 - 1961                John Kennedy               

1961 - 1969                  Lyndon Johnson                 

1969 - 1974                 Richard Nixon                

1974 - 1977               Gerald Ford              

1977 - 1981                Jimmy Carter               

1981 - 1989                 Ronald Reagan                

1989 - 1993                  George H. Bush                 

1993 - 2001                Bill Clinton               

2001 - 2009                  George W. Bush                 

2009 - Present                Barack Obama               
Grade 11 The Presidents
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