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First Grade (Grade 1) Pre-Colonial Period Questions

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Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Natives means...
  1. people who are nice.
  2. babies who need food to eat.
  3. people with a lot of friends.
  4. people who lived somewhere first.
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Who were the first people to live in North America?
  1. Pilgrims
  2. Settlers
  3. Native Americans
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Which of the following was the most important animal to the Sioux
  1. Deer
  2. Elephant
  3. Beaver
  4. Buffalo
  5. Prairie dogs
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Mark all of the jobs that Iroquois men did.
  1. Hunted deer
  2. Cooked
  3. Fished
  4. Made weapons
  5. Made canoes
  6. Fought in battles
  7. Sewed clothing
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
The Iroquois built                                          Palisades, walls of tall poles, fences                                          around their villages.
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
What did the Algonquian people make most of their clothing from?
  1. Beaver furs
  2. Deer skin
  3. Birch bark
  4. Wampum
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Mark all of the things that made life hard for the settlers at Jamestown.
  1. They often fought against the nearby Indian tribes (and the tribes fought back).
  2. They built beautiful houses to live in.
  3. Many of the Gentlemen did not want to do hard work.
  4. They had bad water in their wells.
  5. Unfriendly ships shot cannons at the settlement.
  6. It was too dangerous to leave the settlement to hunt, fish, or tend a garden.
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
What was "counting coup"?
  1. Touching your enemy and showing bravery.
  2. A new way of counting numbers.
  3. How many scalps a warrior got during a battle.
  4. A new dance.
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
The Nez Perce people got their name from French fur traders who saw some of them with shells in their pierced noses.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Where did many of the Sioux children have to go to school?
  1. One-room school houses
  2. Homeschools
  3. Public schools
  4. Boarding schools
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
The Dakota, Nakota and Lakota are all part of the Sioux nation.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
What were the Iroquois' "Three Sisters"?
  1. Three days of their week.
  2. Three main crops- corn, beans and squash.
  3. The three peaceful tribes.
  4. The three languages they spoke.
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Lacrosse was a popular game played by the Iroquois.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Who was the man that helped found the settlement at Roanoke Island?
  1. King George
  2. Sir Walter Raleigh
  3. Queen Isabella
  4. Christopher Columbus
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
What were the "inukshuk" that Inuit people made?
  1. A pile of stones stacked up to mark an important place.
  2. A type of sled.
  3. A carved tool.
  4. A new language everyone could understand.
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
What type of homes did the Iroquois live in?
  1. Wigwams
  2. Teepees
  3. Brick
  4. Longhouses
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Mark all of the jobs Iroquois women did.
  1. Sewed clothing
  2. Stretched hides
  3. Hunted animals
  4. Took care of the gardens
  5. Made fish hooks
  6. Cooked meals
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
When the Inuit were in a kayak hunting out in the ocean, what weapon did they use?
  1. A knife
  2. A harpoon
  3. A spear
  4. A gun
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Mark all of the things used to build Inuit houses.
  1. Trees
  2. Whale bones
  3. Sod
  4. Rock
  5. Ice blocks
  6. Sheetrock
Grade 1 Pre-Colonial Period
Mark all of the common foods the Algonquian people ate.
  1. Deer
  2. Nuts & berries
  3. Fish
  4. Lizards
  5. Wild rice
  6. Elephants
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