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Third Grade (Grade 3) Pre-Colonial Period Questions

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Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The                 was a portable home for wandering Indians.
  1. teepee
  2. longhouse
  3. pueblo
  4. hogan
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The Spanish Explorers didn't find people in North America when they first arrived.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
Whom did the French, Spanish, and English all meet when they arrived in North America?
  1. Ponce de Leon
  2. Dutch settlers
  3. Native Americans
  4. Chief Powhatan
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The                 learned to adapt to the desert.
  1. Cherokee
  2. Haudenosaunee
  3. Navajo
  4. Yurok
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
Sequoyah invented a way to write the                 language.
  1. Yurok
  2. Navajo
  3. Cherokee
  4. Haudenosaunee
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
What did Hernando de Soto discover?
  1. the Grand Canyon
  2. the Fountain of Youth
  3. the Mississippi River
  4. Florida
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The Cherokee, Najavo and Creek tribes are all          Native          Americans.
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
Wampum was used for money and decoration by Native Americans.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
Ponce de Leon was searching for the Fountain of Youth.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The                 followed the laws and ideas of their constitution.
  1. Haudenosaunee
  2. Navajo
  3. Yurok
  4. Cherokee
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
An American Indian is someone who came from the country of India.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
A tradition that a certain tribe followed was known as that tribe's:
  1. customer
  2. custom
  3. consumer
  4. consult
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
What did the Plains Indians use the buffalo's horn for
  1. cups
  2. spoons
  3. arrow points
  4. headdresses
  5. All of the above
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The leader of a tribe was known as the         chief        .
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The                 used a form of trade called barter.
  1. Haudenosaunee
  2. Yurok
  3. Cherokee
  4. Navajo
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The Indian tribe that used to live in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, where we now live, was called the          Lenape          Indians.
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi River are often called the                 .
  1. Incas
  2. Inuits
  3. Woodland tribes
  4. Pueblos
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
What was the environment like where the Yurok lived?
  1. It only had water deep underground.
  2. It had rivers full of salmon.
  3. It had few trees.
  4. It had few fish.
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
The Indians used every part of the buffalo except the tongue.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Pre-Colonial Period
Wampum was used for money and decoration.
  1. True
  2. False
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