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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Thermodynamics Questions

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Grade 11 Thermodynamics
The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases states that many particles (i.e., atoms or molecules) are
  1. at rest.
  2. in constant random motion.
  3. in thermodynamic equilibrium.
  4. in static equilibrium.
Grade 11 Thermodynamics
The Kinetic Molecular Theory states that the pressure of a gas results from
  1. the mass of particles.
  2. the collisions of particles with the walls of a container.
  3. the forces of repulsion between the particles.
  4. the energy loss experienced by each particle.
Grade 11 Thermodynamics
Which of the following reflects a correct assumption of the Kinetic Molecular Theory?
  1. There are constant forces of attraction between the molecules.
  2. There are constant forces of repulsion between the molecules.
  3. There are constant forces of attraction and repulsion between the molecules.
  4. There are no attractive or repulsive forces between the molecules.
Grade 11 Thermodynamics
The Boltzmann constant shows a relationship between temperature and
  1. the velocity of each particle.
  2. the mass of each particle.
  3. the entropy of each particle.
  4. the energy of each particle.
Grade 11 Thermodynamics
On which approach to temperature is the Kelvin scale based?
  1. thermodynamic approach
  2. kinetic theory approach
Grade 11 Thermodynamics
Grade 11 Thermodynamics
Grade 11 Thermodynamics
Which of the following represents the Boltzmann constant's SI unit?
  1. Moles per Joule
  2. Joules per Kelvin
  3. Joules Kelvin
  4. Newtons per Kelvin
Grade 11 Thermodynamics
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