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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Waves and Sound Questions

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Grade 11 Waves and Sound
Pulse with Media of Different Densities
At which end of the rope is the wavelength is always greatest?
  1. in the less dense end
  2. in the more dense end
  3. Wavelength is the same throughout.
Grade 11 Waves and Sound

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Grade 11 Waves and Sound
Pulse with Media of Different Densities
At which end of the rope is the wave speed is always greatest?
  1. in the less dense end
  2. in the more dense end
  3. Wave speed is the same throughout.
Grade 11 Waves and Sound

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Grade 11 Waves and Sound

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Grade 11 Waves and Sound
The Doppler Effect causes a change in perception of the pitch of source of sound because in the same period of time
  1. if the distance between source and observer increases, the waves must spread out.
  2. if the distance between source and observer decreases, the waves must be compressed.
  3. the same number of waves must fit between the source and the observer.
  4. All of the above are correct.
Grade 11 Waves and Sound
Which one of the following factors determines the pitch of a sound?
  1. the amplitude of the sound wave
  2. the distance of the sound wave from the source
  3. the frequency of the sound wave
  4. the wavelength of the sound wave
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