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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Planetary Motion Questions

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Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Earth is kept in orbit around the Sun by                                     .
  1. its speed and distance from the Sun
  2. inertia and gravity
  3. its shape and size
  4. electricity and magnetism
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Planets that are close to the Sun
  1. move through the asteroid belt.
  2. orbit faster than the outer planets.
  3. orbit slower than the outer planets.
  4. move closer and closer to the Sun.
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
How long does it take Earth to complete one revolution?
  1. 29.5 days
  2. 365.25 days
  3. 24 hours
  4. 72 hours
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
The Moon moves in a line directly between Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on Earth.
  1. Solar Eclipse
  2. Lunar Eclipse
  3. Winter Solstice
  4. Earth Eclipse
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
The change between day and night is caused by                             .
  1. Earth's rotation on its axis
  2. Earth's orbit of the Sun
  3. the Moon's orbit of Earth
  4. the Sun going down
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
What is an eclipse of the Moon, when the Moon passes through Earth’s shadow.
  1. Solar Eclipse
  2. Lunar Eclipse
  3. Summer Solstice
  4. Earth Eclipse
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
The force that holds planets in their orbits is called
  1. parallax.
  2. revolution.
  3. rotation.
  4. gravity.
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
The gravitational attraction between Sun, Moon, and Earth
  1. causes tides.
  2. causes seasons to change.
  3. causes a full moon.
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
How long does it take Earth to complete a rotation?
  1. 29.5 days
  2. 365.25 days
  3. 24 hours
  4. 72 hours
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
If it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, what is the orientation of the Southern Hemisphere to the Sun?
  1. pointing towards the Sun
  2. pointing away from the Sun
  3. pointing towards the Moon
  4. pointing away from the Moon
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
What is the shape of a planet's orbit?
  1. circular
  2. irregular
  3. elliptical
Grade 9 Planetary Motion
Select the letter of the two main motions of the Earth.
  1. rotation and precession
  2. rotation and revolution
  3. revolution and precession
  4. rotation and aphelion
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