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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets Questions

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Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
How are asteroids formed?
  1. They were formed when the solar system was formed.
  2. The planets' gravity pull them in and they start orbiting the sun.
  3. They are smaller portions of meteorites.
  4. They are smaller portions of comets.
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Between what two planets is the asteroid belt located?
  1. Mercury and Earth
  2. Mars and Jupiter
  3. Jupiter and Saturn
  4. Earth and Mars
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
How are comets formed?
  1. They were formed when the solar system was formed.
  2. The planets' gravity pull them in and they start orbiting the sun.
  3. They are smaller portions of meteorites.
  4. They are smaller portions of asteroids.
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What is an asteroid made of?
  1. rock and carbon
  2. rock and ice
  3. rock and lava
  4. rock and precious metal
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What is a dwarf planet?
  1. nearly round, orbits Sun, has cleared its neighborhood of debris
  2. nearly round, does not orbit Sun and has cleared its neighborhood of debris
  3. nearly round, orbits Sun, has not cleared its neighborhood of debris
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Which of the following is NOT a possible source of meteoroids?
  1. solid remains of comets that once traveled near Earth's orbit
  2. gassy ices that were not incorporated into the planets
  3. material from the asteroid belt
  4. interplanetary rocks and metals that was not incorporated into the planets
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What are the three main types of meteorites?
  1. fiery, icy, and stony
  2. metallic, fiery, and stony-iron
  3. stony, icy, and metallic
  4. stony, metallic, and stony-iron
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 9 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets