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Third Grade (Grade 3) Planetary Motion Questions

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Grade 3 Planetary Motion
The path an object takes as it revolves around another object in space is called               .
  1. rotation
  2. revolution
  3. orbit
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
How long does it take Earth to orbit the Sun?
  1. 88 days
  2. 365 days
  3. 12 years
  4. 29.5 years
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
The movement of an object around another planet is called                .
  1. rotation
  2. revolving
  3. gravity
  4. solar energy
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Which of these words is the name for the imaginary line around which Earth rotates?
  1. sun
  2. axis
  3. model
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Does Earth revolve or rotate around the Sun?
  1. revolve
  2. rotate
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Earth revolves around                .
  1. the Sun
  2. the Moon
  3. its axis
  4. the equator
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Earth rotates around                .
  1. the Sun
  2. the Moon
  3. its axis
  4. its equator
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
The Sun revolves around the planets.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
What keeps planets in their orbits?
  1. light
  2. gravity
  3. electricity
  4. magnetism
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
The part of Earth that is tilted away from the Sun
  1. gets more direct sunlight.
  2. gets less direct sunlight.
  3. gets no direct sunlight.
  4. gets sunlight 24 hours a day.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
To move in a circle around an object is to                .
  1. shadow
  2. eclipse
  3. rotate
  4. revolve
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Planets rotate around the Sun due to gravity.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
When a planet moves around the Sun, this is called a
  1. rotation.
  2. revolution.
  3. spin.
  4. do si do.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
The planets           revolve           around the Sun.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Earth rotates on its       axis       .
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
It takes Earth 24 hours to rotate/spin all the way around.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth is placed directly between the Sun and the Moon.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
When are you most likely to see a long shadow?
  1. when the Sun has set
  2. when the Sun is the lowest
  3. when the Sun is the highest
Grade 3 Planetary Motion

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

The word solar best relates to the word              Sun              .
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
All the planets follow an         orbit         as they           revolve           around the Sun.
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