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Third Grade (Grade 3) Planetary Motion Questions

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Grade 3 Planetary Motion

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The spinning of an object around its axis is called            rotation           .
Grade 3 Planetary Motion

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The              Moon               is much closer to Earth than the Sun.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

During a solar              eclipse               the Moon blocks light from the Sun.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

The Moon's              shadow               falls on Earth during a solar eclipse.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Even through the Sun is much larger than the Moon, from              Earth               they appear to be the same size.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Explain why the Sun seems to move across the sky.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
        Orbit         when plants revolve in a nearly circular path
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Explain why when it is day in North America, it is night in China.
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
         Rotate          to turn
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Where does the Sun go in the night?
Grade 3 Planetary Motion
Using words or a diagram (picture), explain the difference between rotate and revolve.
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