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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) People and Places Questions

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Grade 5 People and Places
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. councellor
  2. counsellor
  3. councelor
  4. counselor
Grade 5 People and Places
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. collecter
  2. colector
  3. colecter
  4. collector
Grade 5 People and Places
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.

The                 set off the alarm.
  1. berglar
  2. burrglar
  3. burgler
  4. burglar
Grade 5 People and Places
Oklahoma is a                 state.
  1. western
  2. wsetern
  3. wstern
  4. westren
Grade 5 People and Places
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.

My                 and I are a team.
  1. partner
  2. parttner
  3. pertner
  4. partnner
Grade 5 People and Places
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. anecester
  2. ancestur
  3. ansester
  4. ancestor
Grade 5 People and Places
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. harber
  2. harbir
  3. harbor
  4. harbire
Grade 5 People and Places
Traffic is slow on that                .
  1. avinue
  2. avennue
  3. avvenue
  4. avenue
Grade 5 People and Places
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. neice
  2. neise
  3. niese
  4. niece
Grade 5 People and Places
Ana played soccer as a                .
  1. yooth
  2. youthe
  3. yoothe
  4. youth
Grade 5 People and Places
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. eger
  2. eager
  3. eagor
  4. eeger
Grade 5 People and Places
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. factories
  2. factorys
  3. factoryes
Grade 5 People and Places
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. relasionship
  2. relationship
  3. relatunship
Grade 5 People and Places
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. supervisor
  2. supervisur
  3. supervisure
Grade 5 People and Places
My uncle is my aunt's               .
  1. huzban
  2. husban
  3. husband
  4. huzband
Grade 5 People and Places
The                 family moved west.
  1. pieoneer
  2. pyoneer
  3. pioneer
  4. pionear
Grade 5 People and Places
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. celebridy
  2. celebrity
  3. celeprity
Grade 5 People and Places
Choose the best word to fill in the blank.

The                 argued the case.
  1. lawyere
  2. lawwyer
  3. laweyer
  4. lawyer
Grade 5 People and Places
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.

I had a tricycle during my                .
  1. childhude
  2. childhode
  3. chyldhood
  4. childhood
Grade 5 People and Places
An                drives a train.
  1. enginer
  2. enginere
  3. ingeneer
  4. engineer
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