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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Defining Words Questions

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Grade 5 Defining Words
To                 is to elaborate or expand in detail.
  1. explain
  2. determine
  3. develop
  4. identify
Grade 5 Defining Words
Easily seen or obvious
  1. dusk
  2. evident
  3. ignorance
  4. rural
Grade 5 Defining Words
A contest or trial of strength, period, session, a turn, a round.
  1. bout
  2. hull
  3. brig
  4. ditty
Grade 5 Defining Words
To make or become suitable; especially : to change so as to fit a new or specific use or situation:
  1. fault
  2. adapt
  3. impact
  4. devastation
Grade 5 Defining Words
Sly; sneaky; in a hidden way; so slight as to be difficult to notice.
  1. scurvy
  2. subtle
  3. summit
  4. impudent
Grade 5 Defining Words
A messenger sent to deliver news.
  1. jot
  2. courier
  3. carnage
  4. calabash
Grade 5 Defining Words
A way to travel:
  1. root
  2. route
  3. rout
  4. roote
Grade 5 Defining Words
Lack of knowledge
  1. dusk
  2. rural
  3. ignorance
  4. evident
Grade 5 Defining Words
To gather and store away for the sake of accumulation; a supply or accumulation that is hidden or carefully guarded for future use.
  1. conveyance
  2. sleuth
  3. hoard
  4. hull
Grade 5 Defining Words
A detective.
  1. yonder
  2. hoard
  3. sleuth
  4. gait
Grade 5 Defining Words
Having to do with country life.
  1. rural
  2. evident
  3. dusk
  4. ignorance
Grade 5 Defining Words

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Vague means                .
  1. indefinite
  2. traditional
  3. clear
  4. trivial
Grade 5 Defining Words
What word means, "the settling of a disagreement by both sides giving up something?"
  1. commercial
  2. concept
  3. compromise
Grade 5 Defining Words

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Grave means                .
  1. trivial
  2. clear
  3. particular
  4. serious
Grade 5 Defining Words
                is defined as total honesty and sincerity.
  1. Character
  2. Considerate
  3. Integrity
  4. Useful
Grade 5 Defining Words
protected, not in danger
  1. exciting
  2. safe
  3. flat
  4. tied
Grade 5 Defining Words
Concentration means to:
  1. pay close attention
  2. play a card game
  3. give all the details in your story
Grade 5 Defining Words
A word that has the same sound and/or spelling but with a different meaning is a(n):
  1. synonym
  2. antonym
  3. homonym
  4. all of the above
Grade 5 Defining Words CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.5.4
related to current or recent times
  1. movement
  2. industry
  3. position
  4. modern
Grade 5 Defining Words CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.5.4
in good health
  1. fit
  2. safe
  3. sharp
  4. flat
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