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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Interjections Questions

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Grade 5 Interjections
An interjection is:
  1. an exclamation which shows thoughts or feelings
  2. a meaningless string of sounds
  3. the same as an adjective
  4. the moment of greatest excitement
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               , that's mine!
  1. Wow
  2. Hey
  3. Okay
  4. Eek
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               ! That was a great show!
  1. Wow
  2. Oh
  3. Nope
  4. Sure
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

You got an A on your test.                !
  1. Hey now
  2. Well done
  3. Good grief
  4. That sucks
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               ! There's a spider over there.
  1. Wow
  2. Eek
  3. Ooh
  4. No
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               ! This is fun!
  1. Whee
  2. Whoa
  3. Ouch
  4. Eek
Grade 5 Interjections CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.5.5
If you are experiencing this emotion, you are less likely to use an interjection:
  1. excitement
  2. anger
  3. sleepiness
  4. pain
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               ! Our team won!
  1. Yikes
  2. Nope
  3. Hooray
  4. Ow
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               ! That was a close one!
  1. Yikes
  2. Yes
  3. Ouch
  4. Ha
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               ! That is one big elephant!
  1. No
  2. Aw
  3. Ouch
  4. Whoa
Grade 5 Interjections CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.5.5
A magician performs a trick. Which interjection are you likely to use?
  1. Ow!
  2. Eek!
  3. Aww!
  4. Wow!
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               , get out of my way!
  1. Aw
  2. No
  3. Hey
  4. Wow
Grade 5 Interjections CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.5.5
You see something sad on TV. Which interjection are you likely to use?
  1. Aww!
  2. Ow!
  3. Eek!
  4. Wow!
Grade 5 Interjections
Interjections always end with an exclamation point.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Interjections
Choose the best interjection to fill in the blank.

               , I don't have any money.
  1. Ha
  2. Great
  3. Alas
  4. Yes
Grade 5 Interjections
Which of the following interjections is NOT used when cheering for a team?
  1. Rah!
  2. Yay!
  3. Yikes!
Grade 5 Interjections CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.5.5
You stub your toe. What is an interjection you can use?