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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Conjunctions Questions

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Grade 5 Conjunctions CCSS: CCRA.L.6, L.5.6
Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction.

I wanted to buy a newspaper,                 I didn't have enough money.
  1. and
  2. so
  3. however
  4. therefore
Grade 5 Conjunctions CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.5.1, L.5.1e
What two words in the sentence below are conjunctions?

"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy."
  1. neither and nor
  2. that and was
  3. the and nor
  4. was and neither
Grade 5 Conjunctions CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.5.1, L.5.1e
Choose the words that best fill in the blanks.

Every day during the winter it is                 raining                 snowing.
  1. whether...or
  2. either...or
  3. neither...nor
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

The Florida panther is endangered,               it is on the endangered species list.
  1. and
  2. or
  3. but
  4. so
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

Did you want vanilla, chocolate,               both kinds of ice cream?
  1. nor
  2. or
  3. so
  4. yet
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

               our class saw the sun set over the still water, we all sighed in amazement.
  1. When
  2. If
  3. Where
  4. Although
Grade 5 Conjunctions CCSS: CCRA.L.6, L.5.6
Choose the correct conjunction to fill in the blank.

                I was tired, I managed to finish my homework late at night.
  1. Although
  2. But
  3. Yet
  4. However
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

               Maria worked in her garden, she walked her dog.
  1. After
  2. Because
  3. If
  4. Where
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

I wanted to learn more about the Everglades,               I did some research at the library.
  1. but
  2. or
  3. so
  4. yet
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction means to connect two ideas that go together?
  1. or
  2. and
  3. but
  4. so
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

Julie took an umbrella to school               it looked like it might rain.
  1. although
  2. but
  3. because
  4. so
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Choose the best transition word to complete the sentence.

I would like to read more books,                , I don't seem to have enough time.
  1. in conclusion
  2. furthermore
  3. however
  4. meanwhile
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

The volcano showed signs of being active,               people refused to leave their homes.
  1. and
  2. because
  3. or
  4. yet
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

The heron caught the fish,               the egret stole it.
  1. and
  2. or
  3. but
  4. so
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction means to connect ideas that go against each other?
  1. or
  2. and
  3. but
  4. so
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

               you want to camp in the Everglades, you will need a permit.
  1. If
  2. After
  3. Because
  4. Although
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

                we were on our best behavior, going on the field trip was a privilege for our class.
  1. Although
  2. When
  3. Where
  4. Because
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which transition word should be used to complete the sentence?

Jon ate too fast.                    his stomach began to hurt.
  1. As a result,
  2. For instance,
  3. However,
  4. On the other hand,
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

You can conserve water by taking shorter showers               by doing full laundry loads.
  1. and
  2. or
  3. but
  4. so
Grade 5 Conjunctions
Which conjunction best completes the sentence below?

Lichen spreads on the tree               does not kill it.
  1. and
  2. or
  3. but
  4. so
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