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Geomorphology Questions - All Grades

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Grade 9 Geomorphology

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Glaciers, weather, and water shape Earth by
  1. tectonics.
  2. erosion.
  3. El Nino.
  4. hibernation.
Grade 4 Geomorphology
Freezing and thawing are a type of                     .
  1. chemical weathering.
  2. erosion.
  3. physical weathering.
  4. deposition.
Grade 3 Geomorphology
What causes erosion?
  1. wind
  2. moving water
  3. ice
  4. all of the above
Grade 8 Geomorphology
Grade 5 Geomorphology
What are three major causes for erosion?
  1. snow, tornado, volcano
  2. sinkholes, landslides, mudslides
  3. ice, wind, water
  4. wind, heat, plate tectonics
Grade 6 Geomorphology
Which of these terms describes the process of acid rain wearing away limestone?
  1. cryptic erosion
  2. chemical weathering
  3. cryptobiotic weathering
  4. chemical erosion
Grade 4 Geomorphology
What type of erosion would occur most frequently in the Sahara Desert?
  1. Glacial Erosion
  2. Water Erosion
  3. Wind Erosion
  4. None of the above
Grade 10 Geomorphology
Grade 4 Geomorphology
Which is not an agent of weathering?
  1. ice
  2. soil
  3. wind
  4. precipitation
Grade 4 Geomorphology
Which of these is an example of erosion?
  1. water sitting in a lake
  2. rain breaking down rock
  3. light shining onto a mountain
  4. wind blowing away sediment
Grade 9 Geomorphology
Grade 6 Geomorphology
Grade 5 Geomorphology
Which is an example of erosion?
  1. a water slide
  2. a garden in the backyard
  3. a newly planted plant
  4. formation of the Grand Canyon
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