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Third Grade (Grade 3) Geology Questions

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Grade 3 Historical Geology
A(n)                 is a copy of a mold's shape.
  1. imprint fossil
  2. cast fossil
  3. mold fossil
Grade 3 Historical Geology
Where did dinosaurs live?
  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. North America
  4. All the continents
Grade 3 Soil
          Topsoil           is the upper layer of soil on the surface of Earth that is dark in color and has the smallest particles.
Grade 3 Historical Geology
                are remains of something that lived long ago.
  1. Clays
  2. Fossils
  3. Soils
Grade 3 Rocks
What type of rock is formed when a volcano erupts?
  1. sedimentary
  2. igneous
  3. metamorphic
  4. sandstone
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A                 is lowland area between higher areas such as mountains.
  1. valley
  2. canyon
  3. volcano
  4. lake
Grade 3 Rocks
Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have changed due to a lot of heat and pressure.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Volcanoes
What is the red, hot liquid that flows on the outside of a volcano?
  1. lava
  2. plasma
  3. magma
Grade 3 Geomorphology
A piece of land that is surrounded by water is
  1. a peninsula.
  2. a bay.
  3. an island.
  4. a plain.
Grade 3 Minerals
Minerals are made up of rocks.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Historical Geology
Dinosaurs were only meat eaters.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Volcanoes
A volcano is
  1. a lowland area between higher areas such as mountains.
  2. a place on Earth's surface where the land is much higher than the surrounding land.
  3. an opening in Earth's surface from which lava flows.
  4. a deep valley with every steep sides.
Grade 3 Earth's Layers
The inner core is the coldest part of Earth.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Soil
A soil's                 is determined by what type of materials are in it.
  1. shape
  2. color
  3. size
Grade 3 Geomorphology
What is a huge body of salt water called?
  1. pond
  2. stream
  3. ocean
  4. lake
Grade 3 Soil
Which of these layers of soil has the most humus?
  1. topsoil
  2. subsoil
  3. bedrock
  4. clay
Grade 3 Historical Geology
What could scientists learn from studying an animal's fossilized droppings?
  1. what kind of food it ate
  2. what color it was
  3. how well it could see
  4. how well it could hear
Grade 3 Geomorphology
                are the features of Earth's surface.
  1. Landslides
  2. Landforms
  3. Metamorphic
  4. Floods
Grade 3 Earth's Layers
Rocks are pieces of Earth's crust.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Minerals
Which is a rock-like form that is created when a substance changes into a solid?
  1. sediment
  2. crystal
  3. pea gravel
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