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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Defining Words Questions

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Grade 4 Defining Words
An ______________ is what happened.
  1. cause
  2. effect
Grade 4 Defining Words
Choose the best definition for the word construct from those below.
  1. result, something produced by a cause
  2. to build or form by combining pieces
  3. to verbally disagree
  4. the result of fixing or mending
  5. a route, corridor, or pathway for traveling
Grade 4 Defining Words
What does CONTRAST mean?
  1. pleasing or appropriate
  2. a part of an area of something
  3. to largely differ
  4. pass time in sleep
Grade 4 Defining Words
to give the short version: to sum it up
  1. summarize
  2. predict
  3. compare
  4. infer
Grade 4 Defining Words
A mammal that is active at night is
  1. domestic.
  2. purebred.
  3. social.
  4. nocturnal.
Grade 4 Defining Words
If I DISCARD a book, I
  1. read it again.
  2. write an essay on it.
  3. write my name in it.
  4. give it away.
Grade 4 Defining Words
To find the similarities or point out how things are the same is to
  1. contrast.
  2. compare.
  3. describe.
  4. trace.
Grade 4 Defining Words
The best definition for agreeable is:
  1. to largely differ
  2. pass time in sleep
  3. a part or an area of something
  4. pleasing or appropriate
Grade 4 Defining Words
to read between the lines
  1. contrast
  2. infer
  3. compare
  4. support
Grade 4 Defining Words
If a pond REFLECTS the trees around it, you can
  1. throw sticks into the water.
  2. see the tree in the water.
  3. throw away your mirror.
  4. think about nature.
Grade 4 Defining Words
Choose the best definition of repair from the definitions below.
  1. to verbally disagree
  2. result, something produced by a cause
  3. the result of fixing or mending
  4. to build or form by combining pieces
  5. a route, corridor, or a pathway for traveling
Grade 4 Defining Words
You will be more ATTENTIVE if you:
  1. take attendance
  2. install a smoke alarm
  3. listen or look carefully
  4. curl up on the couch
Grade 4 Defining Words
to find the differences
  1. trace
  2. compare
  3. describe
  4. contrast
Grade 4 Defining Words
What is a habitat?
  1. a place where an animal lives
  2. to be in danger
  3. to defend
  4. a place far way
Grade 4 Defining Words
If something is hollow, it is                .
  1. empty
  2. tall
  3. fat
  4. flat
Grade 4 Defining Words
Choose the best definition of the word argue from those below.
  1. to verbally disagree
  2. a route, corridor, or pathway for traveling
  3. the result of fixing or mending
  4. to build or form by combining pieces
  5. result, something produced by a cause
Grade 4 Defining Words
What is definition of mimicry?
  1. a place where an animal lives
  2. to live
  3. defense of looking like another animal
  4. to do something wild without fear
Grade 4 Defining Words
Offspring is
  1. traits or behaviors that protect animals.
  2. the ability to protect from harm or attack.
  3. to defend.
  4. the young of an animal or a human being.
Grade 4 Defining Words
to tell why something is happening
  1. contrast
  2. explain
  3. infer
  4. analyze
Grade 4 Defining Words
Words in a language with similar meanings
  1. thesaurus
  2. synonyms
  3. existence
  4. antonyms
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