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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Daily Living Skills Questions

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Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
Identify the safest way to thaw frozen foods.
  1. in the sink
  2. slowly in the refrigerator
  3. in direct sunlight
  4. in cold water overnight
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
Identify the food item that you cannot safely freeze.
  1. cheese
  2. tomatoes
  3. food in cans
  4. sour cream
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
Identify an efficient method of storing kitchen items such as pots, pans, and mixing bowls.
  1. largest items in largest cupboards
  2. bulky items in pantry or closet
  3. higher in cupboards based on more frequent use
  4. store things close to where you use them
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
At what temperature should frozen food be kept?
  1. -10 degrees F/-23 degrees C
  2. 0 degrees F/-17 degrees C
  3. 5 degrees F/-15 degrees C
  4. 32 degrees F/0 degrees C
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
How can you ensure that freezing will destroy any potential bacteria and parasites in food?
  1. freeze food longer than two days
  2. freeze food at -10 degrees F/-23 degrees C
  3. only freeze food with a low moisture content
  4. freezing food will inactivate but not destroy bacteria or parasites
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
When is it unsafe to refreeze foods?
  1. when out of fridge longer than two hours or 15 minutes in above 90 degrees F/32 degrees C
  2. when out of fridge longer than four hours or two hours in above 90 degrees F/32 degrees C
  3. always safe to refreeze food as freezing kills viruses and bacteria
  4. when out of fridge longer than two hours or one hour in above 90 degrees F/32 degrees C
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
For prolonged storage, how should meat be frozen using original packaging?
  1. original packaging is sufficient
  2. overwrap original packaging
  3. remove meat, rinse, rewrap in original packaging
  4. open and vacuum wrap in original packaging
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
Identify the best type of container for storage of both large and small items throughout the home.
  1. see through containers with easy to read labels
  2. color coded containers for each section of the home
  3. see through containers with numbered labels corresponding to master list
  4. cardboard containers that are easy to label
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
What is the best source to learn about your local store's coupon policies?
  1. customer service department
  2. cashier
  3. online store information
  4. online subject chats
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
Why is it advisable to freeze food in small amounts rather than in large amounts?
  1. small amounts freeze faster so food will taste fresher when it's thawed
  2. small amounts will take up more space in your freezer
  3. it is easier to label small amounts of frozen food
  4. bacteria will be killed off sooner in food frozen in small amounts
Grade 12 Daily Living Skills
Identify a way to easily organize a kitchen pantry.
  1. transfer most foods to coded containers
  2. install sliding shelves for easy access
  3. organize in food zones, use small containers for small items
  4. organize foods according to size, use small containers for small items
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